Obtaining Titles

Azrael Tyberian

Azrael Tyberian

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006



I've been playing factions now for two days, and am really enjoying it. So far I have a level 15 Rt/N. But I do have one little question.
When I travel to most towns I noticed other players charaters with various titles that appear under their names. They are a much lower level than me, so they couldn't have explored 60% of Cantha could they?
Anyway I know it's no big deal, I just fancy having a title under with my name, who wouldn't? Also can I choose my title or is it predetermined?




Join Date: May 2005


If you get mutliple titles you can choose between what title you want to display.

IE say you get the Canthan Explorer's title & a RA PvP title.. you can select either title to display, but you can't display both at the same time.

As for the other players - the Canthan continent is smaller than Tyria and you have to consider they probably had help from guildies who might have been using Tryian Lvl20 chars to help threm through. There are people who have already finished the main storyline quest's already...

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


If they are lower levels they are prolly showing their rank title which you get from PvP which is kinda pointless to show off in PvE but whatever... The PvP rank title is account based so you'll get people that have a lot lower levels that show that title.

Azrael Tyberian

Azrael Tyberian

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006



Ah okay. Thanks for that.