Mini Pets



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006



WHat are mini pets and what are Birghtdaygifts.Can you tell me.Or even beder post a screenshot of a mini pet



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Short Answer:
If one of your characters is over a year old (type /age to find out), then a 'birthday present' should appear in your inventory. Opening it will give you a miniature 'pet' that wanders around with you. There are lots of types - from mini-charr to mini-hydras.

Longer Answer With Screenshots:
See this thread.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by RevengerBg
WHat are mini pets and what are Birghtdaygifts.Can you tell me.Or even beder post a screenshot of a mini pet
the mini pets are little hydras jade armors tengu etc that follow you around.

you get one (random) on the first birthday of each character you have had a year.

you may not have used that character but if it has been sitting a year a birthday present appears in inventory and when you click it out pops whatever you got.

threy can be sold or traded or kept.


/age to see the age of that character