How to see how much dmg I'm doing


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Hands of Time


Basically I'm trying to determine whether I should be using these factions daggers that have a requirement that I don't yet meet, or get myself some other daggers.
How can I see how much damage I'm doing (or will potentially do) with my current weapon? I don't see a damage report in chat, and can't seem to find an option to turn that on. It would be cool if we could just tell how much damage we'll do with an equipped weapon, but since that doesn't seem to be an option, how can I tell how much I *am* doing? (Please don't give me long mathematical formulas, I'm an artist not a mathematician and I can't figure them.) I saw in some post someone talking about how much they were hitting for, so I know it must be possible somehow.
Thanks in advance



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


Use them both in combat, yellow numbers will appear above the head of your opponent. That's the damage. Chances are the preorder ones will do more damage.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Dark Nightmare


From my previous experience with the preorder for Prophecies, I'd have to say that the preorder weapons are probably pretty bad. BUT. I preordered factions from Best Buy and still have yet you receive it, let alone install and experience Factions at all.(As in other recent posts, insert intense rage and screaming here)

So, the weapons from preorder could actually be good weapons(this is pure theory for me, as I have no way to prove it) so don't quote me saying that preorder weapons absolutely 100% suck compared to other weapons.

If ever in doubt, though, just beat the heck out of the same kind of monster and see which weapons produce better results. I say this mainly because I don't know if the preorder weapons have mods(remember the rage) and mods really do determine which weapons are better.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Hands of Time


Actually I haven't recieved my preorder either, because I ordered the collector's edition and it's been delayed. But I *did* recieve the preorder bonus pack, which contained a key, which I'm now playing with.

The daggers are as follows:
Piercing damage (7-17) req. 9 dagger mastery
Damage +20%
Lengthens poison duration on foes by 33%
Damage +15% while enchanted
Dagger Mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills)

And thanks for the info about the combat numbers over heads, I am apparently just completely oblvious, and never noticed them, lol

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by onemeg
Actually I haven't recieved my preorder either, because I ordered the collector's edition and it's been delayed. But I *did* recieve the preorder bonus pack, which contained a key, which I'm now playing with.

The daggers are as follows:
Piercing damage (7-17) req. 9 dagger mastery
Damage +20%
Lengthens poison duration on foes by 33%
Damage +15% while enchanted
Dagger Mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills)
To avoid any confusion, the Damage +20% is because they are customized. It's not an additional mod.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




If you don't meet the req, you will do very small damage. Need to at least get 1 weapon, say a req 6 or so, till you hit req 9 weapons.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


When you first start, The Preorders for both new classes TOTALLY are better than ANY weapon you get for the first few quests or so, meeting the req or not.

By the time you get to Harbor in the storyline (just a few quests), you'll be able to cash in some credits for some decent daggers. But then probably have enough points to put 9 in mastery by then..