Your party contains a member from a disallowed campaign.

Dr Ripley

Dr Ripley

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Force of Arms [FoA]

Originally Posted by CyberNigma
My post from the sister thread (until they get merged)..

All of you, on both sides of the issue may be completely wrong. As a guildie pointed out, wait until you finish Hell's Precipice and the Titan Quests to see if that is true or not. It's quite possible that due to the different designs (Factions level 1-19 are basically training, Prophecies basically 1-5 are training), they couldn't just start you in Ascalon (not counting the harbour issue).

They've always said you would transfer over at Lion's Arch. That has been confirmed.

As far as geting 100% access if you merge, but getting 50% access if you don't, well who's to say that's still not true. Who's to say that after finishing Hell's Precipice and maybe the Titan Quests that you don't play in the Ascalon mission areas backwards in an attempt to retake/restore Ascalon from the Charr? Once someone completes the 'normal' game and maybe Titan Quests we can tell.

It's quite possible that Ascalon is the end-game area for Canthans. In that case, they would be spoiling the surprise if they told you early.
LOL. That would be sweet if that were true. Anyways, does anyone here have the exact wording on the "100%" comment from Anet? Technically, from what I've read and experienced so far, Anet has sort of fulfilled their promise. Before I'm crucified for saying that, take this into consideration:

If you start a character in Tyria, then you do get 100% from both campaigns. Cantha based characters however do not get 100% access (as we've been discussing). Did Anet ever actually say that 'Canthan' made characters in specific would have access to 100% across the board? Or did they mean to say 100% to both campaigns in general (as in account based). Of course if this is correct, then their wording is horrid and probably should have been clarified from the getgo. Also, the comment would have been under the false assumption that all Factions purchasers already owned Prophecies to achieve the full '100%'.

I can't imagine Anet would take back a feature like this without notifying us, or straight up lie. I think this boils down to what Anet meant vs what Anet actually said...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Southern California


Guess you missed the point, nothing sneaky about it.

All I'm saying is that we have 100% content now as is, period, end of discussion.
Now, there is extra area we can explore. If you wish that EXTRA area to be opened up to do the missions and quests, feel free to make suggestions of course, but just because someone says we don't have 100% content doesn't make it so.
As always, if someone makes a game, we have choices, don't play any more, play as is, or make suggestions that we think will make it better.
So nothing in my post is flaming, just stating facts and hoping people continue to post suggestions they wish implemented.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

actually i was told that factions was a stand alone game...

it might expand on some stuff in tyria, but that doesnt make it an expansion. i think that you being able to do some the tyria stuff aswell is more of a bonus. and offcourse some people really do read the lore and might get upset if things were different


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Southern California


Actually if you start a characer in Tyria, you do NOT get to do all the stuff in Cantha, there are areas blocked to you, just FYI.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by sinisters chaos
wow masseur, i hope one day you try to sella game with that "sneaky" attitude of yours, and last i checked ITS OUR OPINIONS that matter, we feed their faces with money not the other way around. also, i know what 100% means, and it does not mean, EVERYTHING in tyria EXCEPT preLA, so have a nice time giving GW the ownership of their own "personal dictionary" Also, search on this site is 100% horrible.. just to clear that up. And finally, i am withdrawing form this flame wars (my favorite) cuz i think that once u beat 100% of cantha then maybe you can explor all of tyria, anyone who has beaten cantha and cant do pre/LA missions please post hre, also the idea that you can do preLA after u beat 100% of cantha and all missions AFTER LA, makes no sense cuz thats GW saying "the story to our games doesnt matter"
The Titan Quests were added on :-)

I think it could be a continuation of the original story, not the same missions/level of monsters. Taking back Ascalon would be an interesting take for those that own both. You get the mission area content (albeit at a higher level), same maps, same monsters just higher level, but the story would reflect that you came to Ascalon, not run with your tail between your legs from Ascalon :-) It is the same story, just shifted to the right on the timeline a bit as opposed to the left with pre-sear and early ascalon. After all, Ascalonians ran from the Charr so they have already accepted the fate of Ascalon. Canthans on the other hand may have something else in mind. In the end you would have 25 missions/25 bonuses, plus the quests and story for that part (though updated to reflect your entry-point into the scheme of things).

The Deldrimore Dwarves still need to drive the Stone Summit from the northern shiverpeaks right? :-) No need for new maps, monsters, items, etc (content). Just new scripts (or whatever they use for the story progression/mob locations/levels during quests/missions).

Of course its all speculation.

Originally Posted by Masseur
So remind me where it says that individual users decide what is full content? If by full content they (the developers) mean after LA, then we have 100% content as promised. NO ONE ELSE's opinion matters as what the actual description of full content is. We can suggest, hope or whatever, but it is what they made it and that's it. The rest is extra that we weren't given the ability to mission or quest, but only to explore.
Here's your badge Masseur.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

and what would stop my Ascalonians from returning later to kick back the char allong with the cantas? the map would be working strange, or even better it wouldnt work

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


I don't know what everybody is complaining about. I happen to know that the pre-LA missions are the ELITE missions that only a select few will be able to access. I just got done, and whew !! what a challenge !!!!

Way to go ANet.

/sarcasm off



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I don't know what everybody is complaining about. I happen to know that the pre-LA missions are the ELITE missions that only a select few will be able to access. I just got done, and whew !! what a challenge !!!!

Way to go ANet.

/sarcasm off
Yeah, I agree. It doesn't matter that some think the missions are easy or unrewarding. The fact of the matter is it's a part of the game some people like playing through, and would like an opportunity to do so with the two new character classes. Since A or Rt cannot be created in Tyria, this means that they cannot do quests/missions before LA. Even if a lot of people may find those missions and quests to be boring, many people still feel jipped to have a part of the game they thought they had access to blocked off.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
Can you do skill quests with a R/Rt in Tyria and get Ritualist skills from it?

In other words, I have a R/Me who I didn't do all the quests with. There is a quest that gives me a Ranger skill and a Mesmer skill as a reward. If I change my secondary class to Ritualist, will my reward then be a Ranger skill and a Ritualist skill? Or will it just give me the Ranger skill and kick me in the nuts?
I'd suggest you protect your nuts.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I'd suggest you protect your nuts.
Noted and spiked leather cod-piece ordered from amazon.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

New England

Originally Posted by luckystrikes03
Chapter 3 went from "i'll buy" to "I'll wait and see"

Developers really need to watch what they promise. If a game is hyped up, it had better have all the expectations and more. Breaking this rule damages the series, and probably more important to the corporation, their reputation with the gamers.
I think the larger issue is merely that ArenaNet seems to be restricting content fairly arbitrarily. I understand the why, but it doesn't make a lot of sense as these things go. People ascend at level two sometimes, which makes no sense, but it's "allowed" anyway.

If there's nothing that's actually going to crash the game, why not let players play in those areas with Canthan characters? Sure, the story doesn't make sense, but so what? These are players who are pretty knowingly doing weird stuff.

For instance, Assassins could end up stuck in weird places in Tyria by teleporting. Well, so be it.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005



I see a lot of... they might do this or maybe later this will happen... bottom line, if the game wasnt complete when released, they shouldnt have released it. You all ever see that game Horizons? Came out without half the characters and lvls etc. It flopped, as it should have. Anet put factions out too fast, and the things you expect to be able to do, you cant. And when somebody says 100%, that doesnt mean from LA on, that means the whole damn thing. All the talk about Anet changing this, to this point is speculation. Fact is, right now we didnt get 100%. Im also not sure what some of you are smoking, but Anets opinion doesnt mean jack sh!t to me, its the gamers opinion that counts. No gamers=no GW. Personally, I would have rather seen Anet add a few new areas into prophecies and work on factions some more.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

you got 100% of the stuff they wanted you to have

this being a online game, and maybe there ARE some people who take a closer look to story and lore, and those people might be really bothered to see assassins, who shouldnt be there, running all over the place. so yes i see why they put in restrictions. i aint happy with it, but i aint gonna cry about it either


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005



Hmmm I like that, 100% of what they wanted me to have lol. Just a thought... $50, for 2 char slots(combined) and I cant play all missions on both sides? Im thinking thats just a bit to much money.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Southern California


Don't know about you but I can play all missions on both sides. Sure there are extra missions and stuff I can't do for a Cantha character on Tyria and vice versa, but I'll take 100% content, I dont' need more than that.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Veneficus
They can.

I have done it, and other people have ascended too to get Rit FoW etc..
My assassin is ascended. That is definately done. This makes sense to me; when you land in tyria you're sorta half-way through the storyline. Doesn't make much sense going back and being treated like an ascalonian. Much like how tyrians can't go back and do the earlier canthian missions

Gargle Blaster

Gargle Blaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by A_Muppet
My assassin is ascended. That is definately done. This makes sense to me; when you land in tyria you're sorta half-way through the storyline. Doesn't make much sense going back and being treated like an ascalonian. Much like how tyrians can't go back and do the earlier canthian missions
All chars should be able to do all missions.

Do you like leaving things un-done? Merged content should not mean less content. this is a deal breaker issue for me... I WANT MY $ BACK or i want to be able to do all missions with all chars.