I Zoned out of the Marketplace into the Bazzar to do a quest and every few steps I'd totally freeze up and couldn't move. In a fight I died as I just stood there with none of my keys working, then when the game decided to let myself and the enemies move they had dozens of striikes against me killing me instantly.
This needs to be fixed ASAP, Game is unplayable in this state
Jacky Chun
I'm playing it just fine. In fact, the only time I ever have any slow down is when there are at least 20 guys on my screen slugging it out. Try checking your own connection and maybe reducing the visual quality to help with some of the lag.
Good tips, thanks, hoever i've not experienced this before in any other part of the game nor when I did the marketplace a few days ago for the main quest.

Me too man, check my post out, its the same exact thing except it only happens in misssions. I agree though the game is un-playable this way.
read makos post, and my reply,
i am having the same problem and it is un-playable
read the post he made, and read my reply that may help.
Tien ak
I've tried reducing the video quality it doesn't help im afraid, I will say however that lagg is not all that bad as it means there a patch coming soon. A good tip is to when you first go into guild wars login screen there is a little lightning bolt on the top of the screen, well leave it running and when the lighting bolt is gone your performance should be great. Basicly the lighting bolt is a programme Arena net use to make huge downloads take 5 seconds they install little bits of infomation onto your computer and i've noticed if I play and not let it finnish I lag out
I've gotten performance lag in a couple of the missions and a challenge mission in the Factions game. It doesn't seem to be a connectivity lag. I'm sure it's temporary. Turning down my visual options didn't do anything.