Ok I have factions and not prophecies, other than the 15 k armor the only other "godly" armor I can think off is the Fow armor.
Now is there a place to acess these places from factions (or only from propecies)
Any changes, or does the armor still look the same...
Thanks and if there is any basic knowledge (which i prob dont have) that would be greatly appreciated in a reply.
Thanks in advance.
there is a Fissure of Woe and Underworld in Prophecies. People are still looking in Factions. Its only a matter of time hopefully.
There's a temple in the city in factions with all the dieties' statues. I thought that was the spot for FoW/UW access. Am I wrong?
Originally Posted by MelechRic
There's a temple in the city in factions with all the dieties' statues. I thought that was the spot for FoW/UW access. Am I wrong?
It's called Zin Ku Corridor, right next the Tahnnakai Temple.