:d Ta Da !
Elem Kurzick 15k
Chicken Rice Seller
as pretty as that is (not worth the ambers unless i spend time factioning them n not buying) i wish i t was as pretty as the mesmers ;[
-Old 3FL-
that is soo hot
i want it for my fem canthan ele
my ele is soooo hawt
earth magic ftw
y does every1 hate Earth Magic?
it owns
i want it for my fem canthan ele
my ele is soooo hawt
earth magic ftw
y does every1 hate Earth Magic?
it owns
aww that's not even half as revealing as i was hopeing for... *cries*
OMG its so pretty im getting it so bad ^_^
Ew, I really hate that back view >_<
Guess i'll stick with my FoW =|
Guess i'll stick with my FoW =|