Would someone with a generous heart mind telling (and hopefully showing via SS) where I can find some of the 15k armor crafters for Canthan armor?
RQ - Canthan 15k crafter locations
Vahn Roi
Isn't at the end of the game?
Vahn Roi
Frankly I haven't heard anything at all about the armors, so it could be.
15K Kurzick is at the Vasburg Armory, 15K Luxon is at the Leviathan Pits... 15K Canthan armor is only availabe after you beat the last mission in a small town type area that you are transported too. Make sure you bring your materials and your money with you during the mission as there is no Xunlai Agent there and you cannot get back to the town unless you beat the last mission again.
On a side, I would recommend bringing lots of extra money and materials as there is also a weapon crafter in the town that creates +5 energy weapons for 10K each (unmodded) and if you are a ranger dump your pet before the mission and bring Charm Animal so you can get a nifty new Phoenix.
On a side, I would recommend bringing lots of extra money and materials as there is also a weapon crafter in the town that creates +5 energy weapons for 10K each (unmodded) and if you are a ranger dump your pet before the mission and bring Charm Animal so you can get a nifty new Phoenix.