15k Halcyon Ritualist (Canthan)
Vlad Titanskin
Very nice but I'm confused now.
I thought Imperial is 15k canthan
???? anyone
I thought Imperial is 15k canthan
???? anyone
no, theres 3 armor crafters when you finish the game, for rits is canthian, imperial and excotic...
btw, this armor looks great as well, but i went with imperial as i already had 15k canthian from K center
btw, this armor looks great as well, but i went with imperial as i already had 15k canthian from K center
Nice armour! Looks really....I dunno, nice. o.o
Originally Posted by Smoke
no, theres 3 armor crafters when you finish the game, for rits is canthian, imperial and excotic...
btw, this armor looks great as well, but i went with imperial as i already had 15k canthian from K center So what about other characters, are there different armors for each of them
I keep seeing the same end game warrior armor on everyone.
btw, this armor looks great as well, but i went with imperial as i already had 15k canthian from K center So what about other characters, are there different armors for each of them
I keep seeing the same end game warrior armor on everyone.
Rex the Unloving
i think everyone has canthan, exotic, and that other one as a choice. so theres 3 of those 15k armor....and then theres your factions 15k type armor... so 4.... then theres FoW.... so theres your 1000k, so yeah.
wow, that is b-e-a-u-tiful!
Whispering Siren
so at the end of the game, after last mission, you have Canthan 15k, Imperial 15k, Exotic 15k, but you also have Luxon 15k and Kurzick 15k craftable elsewhere? Correct?
Two April Mornings
hey, coudl soemone post the materials for this armor, me likes and me will gets
Thailii Monkey
nice, should be getting my 15k kurzick when i get a bit more faction
is she wearing undergarments at all? It looks really cool but i can't figure out why her skin tone changes with the armor...is it like a stocking?
Can someone post Kurzick or Luxon 15k?
I'm not sure you have Imperial and Exotic end-game for Tyrian characters. One of my friends that bought end-game Mesmer armor said that there was only the one.
Can anyone confirm?
Can anyone confirm?
Originally Posted by dfscott
I'm not sure you have Imperial and Exotic end-game for Tyrian characters. One of my friends that bought end-game Mesmer armor said that there was only the one.
Can anyone confirm? Yea, my mez can confirm - there were three armorers but only one would speak to mesmers, and he only had one design of armor.
Can anyone confirm? Yea, my mez can confirm - there were three armorers but only one would speak to mesmers, and he only had one design of armor.
Very nice - great dye combo as well, looks very good on the armor
Two April Mornings
can someone post materials plzz