Hey there. My assasin has just completed the " Chaos in Kyrta" quest and landed up in LA. I'm clueless now that I am here.
What do I do when i'm there? Do I just follow the storyline as though I was on my Tyria character? If yes, can someone please tell me where I can get the first primary quest from Lions Arch, as it's been ages since i've had to do it.
What to do when my Canthan arrives in LA?
Ashleigh McMahon
I think it's pretty much free form, there is nothing - that I know of anyway - that you 'must' do. With my character, I did the quests to ascension, and then did the ascension itself and returned to factions.
Swinging Fists
The next mission is right next door at D'Alessio seaboard. You can run/walk there without any quest, but I believe the quest is Report to White Mantle, or something like that, and you get it from the Guide guy in LA ?