Petition to fix the gold drops.
/not signed
I like finding decent rares now. In all my time of prophecies i've only found about 3 decent rares and 1 exceptional one.
Now I get excited when finding rares becuase it might be good or at least hopefully equivilent to a green or collector/crafter item. You can work for more in PvE now, challenge missions, factions, etc.
Maybe im just being mean but I hope those who "invested" in sapphires/ruby's get burned, because the general intent is to just resell them once they are found to be worth something and make profit off of. I hated when random people tried to trade me them in ToA a few weeks back. 5k for a currently useless item, no thanks. I'd have more fun gambling with keys/chests than hoping for that.
I like finding decent rares now. In all my time of prophecies i've only found about 3 decent rares and 1 exceptional one.
Now I get excited when finding rares becuase it might be good or at least hopefully equivilent to a green or collector/crafter item. You can work for more in PvE now, challenge missions, factions, etc.
Maybe im just being mean but I hope those who "invested" in sapphires/ruby's get burned, because the general intent is to just resell them once they are found to be worth something and make profit off of. I hated when random people tried to trade me them in ToA a few weeks back. 5k for a currently useless item, no thanks. I'd have more fun gambling with keys/chests than hoping for that.
Anet is trying to get people to stop playing the game constantly. That's all this is about. Less real farmers less bandwidth they have to pay for. They want you to sign on play a mission or pvp and sign off.
Bots are still going to be here. They will still try to sell things in game for outragous price. The only change this is going to make is the interest lvl in players is going to decline fast.
BTW, if you think FoW is hard to get now just wait till 2 weeks. When your weapons are worthless and you cannot sell them. People have had their fill of armor and 15k armor material will fall back down to worthless lvl again. Ecto and shards will continue to climb with the addition of more armor for existing classes and the new classes demand will climb while everything else is worthless.
Flooding the market with perfects is the exact same thing bots do. They farm and stock perfect mod weapons to sell to players. Now instead of the farmers bring those items into the game rapidly the players are. The farmers will continue to bring in the weapons at a faster rate than players dropping the prices to worthless value.
Weapons, Ecto, and Runes were the only real things in the econemy pre factions. Runes have been killed. Weapons and mods will be killed soon. Ecto will continue to rise with no way of paying for them.
Gj Anet you did exactly what the bots are doing to the game and econemy. You just made it 100x worse.
Bots are still going to be here. They will still try to sell things in game for outragous price. The only change this is going to make is the interest lvl in players is going to decline fast.
BTW, if you think FoW is hard to get now just wait till 2 weeks. When your weapons are worthless and you cannot sell them. People have had their fill of armor and 15k armor material will fall back down to worthless lvl again. Ecto and shards will continue to climb with the addition of more armor for existing classes and the new classes demand will climb while everything else is worthless.
Flooding the market with perfects is the exact same thing bots do. They farm and stock perfect mod weapons to sell to players. Now instead of the farmers bring those items into the game rapidly the players are. The farmers will continue to bring in the weapons at a faster rate than players dropping the prices to worthless value.
Weapons, Ecto, and Runes were the only real things in the econemy pre factions. Runes have been killed. Weapons and mods will be killed soon. Ecto will continue to rise with no way of paying for them.
Gj Anet you did exactly what the bots are doing to the game and econemy. You just made it 100x worse.
Lol page 1 is signed and page 2 is all not signed. Anyway..........
Remember way back when right after sf came out, golds dropped hella frequently. Well one week after it got nerfed and ppl b****ed forever. Well now, golds drop commonly and still ppl b****. Do u ppl ever get happy?
P.S. I saved lots of perfect items before the nerf but i dont complain because i feel that more people need to feel the joy of finding and owning several weapons. Dont believe me? Here are my weapons from 4 months back way before i started doing Hero's Ascent.
Remember way back when right after sf came out, golds dropped hella frequently. Well one week after it got nerfed and ppl b****ed forever. Well now, golds drop commonly and still ppl b****. Do u ppl ever get happy?
P.S. I saved lots of perfect items before the nerf but i dont complain because i feel that more people need to feel the joy of finding and owning several weapons. Dont believe me? Here are my weapons from 4 months back way before i started doing Hero's Ascent.
Lex Talionis
To the op: you do realize that we can buy npc's for our guild halls so we don't have to waste time going from one outpost to the other only to see morons spamming, pming us for handouts. Those npc's are a huge money sink. Especially for those of use who are in a fairly large guild.
This game was meant for ppl to have fun, not grind + grind to find rare perfect weapons + crap. Personally i'm happy as hell with the new drops/chests. It leaves me time to focus on having fun using a nice item + doing tons of pvp/pve. I mean look at the ppl who had total crappy items before. Now when they get something with max mods they're so happy you'd think they won the damn lottery
That's the way ppl should feel. Not depressed + angry that they're luck is entirely bad.
Anet did the right thing by improving the drops bigtime. It's a very good way of balancing the money sinks added to this chapter of Guild Wars. Otherwise, we'd all be damn broke + can't afford nothing. I'd rather find an awesome weapon then spend 100k + x amount of ectos for it. Of course many ppl are just going to whine cuz they won't get filthy rich quick anymore. To those guys i say: go farm for faction then convert it into amber/jadeite to sell to ppl who want their 15k luxon/kurzick armor sets. Or do a quest. There tons of them that give you gold as a reward. Good work Anet
Don't let anyone doubt your great work.
To the op: you do realize that we can buy npc's for our guild halls so we don't have to waste time going from one outpost to the other only to see morons spamming, pming us for handouts. Those npc's are a huge money sink. Especially for those of use who are in a fairly large guild.
This game was meant for ppl to have fun, not grind + grind to find rare perfect weapons + crap. Personally i'm happy as hell with the new drops/chests. It leaves me time to focus on having fun using a nice item + doing tons of pvp/pve. I mean look at the ppl who had total crappy items before. Now when they get something with max mods they're so happy you'd think they won the damn lottery

Anet did the right thing by improving the drops bigtime. It's a very good way of balancing the money sinks added to this chapter of Guild Wars. Otherwise, we'd all be damn broke + can't afford nothing. I'd rather find an awesome weapon then spend 100k + x amount of ectos for it. Of course many ppl are just going to whine cuz they won't get filthy rich quick anymore. To those guys i say: go farm for faction then convert it into amber/jadeite to sell to ppl who want their 15k luxon/kurzick armor sets. Or do a quest. There tons of them that give you gold as a reward. Good work Anet


If you want to be uber by spending 1000+ hours farming/fighting for the perfect rare piece or arms or armor, there are plently of other MMORPGs out there that will sate your appetite for uberness e.g. Everquest, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, etc.
You can't say that this wasn't inevitable. Guild Wars, it's economy, and range of players (hardcore to casual and everything in between) are very different from other MMORPGs that fit the classic MMORPG formula.
Plus, you're not paying Anet a monthly fee for using their servers, are you? Then why complain?
/not signed
You can't say that this wasn't inevitable. Guild Wars, it's economy, and range of players (hardcore to casual and everything in between) are very different from other MMORPGs that fit the classic MMORPG formula.
Plus, you're not paying Anet a monthly fee for using their servers, are you? Then why complain?
/not signed
You guys will understand in time to come.
Flame if you like but ^ is all I have to say.
You guys will understand in time to come.
Flame if you like but ^ is all I have to say.
Originally Posted by Balthazar
You guys will understand in time to come. Flame if you like but ^ is all I have to say. |
Originally Posted by sedgewich
Plus, you're not paying Anet a monthly fee for using their servers, are you? Then why complain?
You're right, Guild Wars is (thank God) not a subscription-based game. However, just because we don't pay doesn't mean we don't have a voice as to what should and shouldn't be added/removed from the game.
Originally Posted by Balthazar
You guys will understand in time to come. Flame if you like but ^ is all I have to say. |
Do I wish that no one ever got perfect drops and that I would just like to hoard them for myself for monetary gain? Absolutely Not. And I'm glad some people understand my point.
I do appreciate the views of the people that don't agree and everyone brings up valid points and concerns.
Will this thread be bumped in the future so we can all look back and laugh when the market is destroyed? I hope not, but I'm coming to terms with what's to come in the GW economy.
Let the chaos ensue... that's my opinion. I'll enjoy it.

Rares should stay rare
/not signed
It's about time that regular joe can have a better chance to get good gold item without having to grind 100000000 hours
Just my opinion about that. Of course it hurts me too that I don't get so much money from item that I sell, but remember that these are weapon mods that have gone better. There are still plenty of rare skins that don't drop so often.
It's about time that regular joe can have a better chance to get good gold item without having to grind 100000000 hours
Just my opinion about that. Of course it hurts me too that I don't get so much money from item that I sell, but remember that these are weapon mods that have gone better. There are still plenty of rare skins that don't drop so often.
It's like...everyone's missing the damn point of this. All you /notsigners crying "balance" seem to have forgotten that collecters and weapon crafters who make perfect weapons have been around since day 1. It's like you've all forgotten that nobody ever had to grind for anything unless they *WANTED* to, which they obviously do.
I don't know how this reality has escaped you. Everyone's like "Well the game isn't FARM WARS lolololol you shouldn't have to farm for a hundred billion trillion hyperbole hours to get a req. 7 15^50 Crystalline!!!11". Yeah, like, ok. You're right - you don't have to. Go to Droks and craft a perfect longsword. Throw on an armor mod and a vamp hilt and there you go - perfect weapon for like 7K. There's only two ways about this: either rare items are meant to be actually rare, in which case the drop rate should be restored to normal - or they should be common and available to everyone, which is stupid because they already have perfect common weapons that were always widely and easily available for minimal effort. I mean, hell, if weapons should be both rare-skinned (making them collectable) and commonly dropped (making them available to every Joe Jackass and his mom) then they should just make all collector and crafter weapons rare-skinned. There. Problem solved - everyone go home.
If you think that statement is retarded, that's because it is. Easily obtainable perfect weapons have always been available, but rares with rare-skins have always been there for collectors and treasure hunters that want something to show for thier grind. There's absolutely no friggin' reason that should be changed. Casual players who don't farm always could have the best, and hard-core farmers and grinders could ALSO have the best, but LOOK the best too. Now ANet has just handed over the rewards of those who earned them to those who haven't. Wow. Most excellent. I think life should be like that...I don't want to work for should just be handed to me. It'd be like welfare, except you can ask for a million dollars and you'd actually get it. Then everyone would be millionares and money would be worth nothing. Get the picture?
Nobody, save the ignorant or the just plain stupid can claim this was ever a balance issue. It wasn't. As far as items go, balance always existed in terms of gameplay mathematics between the farmers, the casual players, and the PvPers. It's almost a miracle anyways that any kind of economy existed in the game, being as that an item worth 1K is just as useful as an item worth a million. What drives it all? People want to work for this leet stuff. They want the best, even if it takes a hell of a lot of time to get it. That measuring stick ought to be preserved, and if all of you who either don't want to, or don't have the time to play that way - too bad! ANet provided the casual players with alternatives - collectors and weapon crafters. Why should they practically be handed the rewards that others worked hundreds of hours to get?
Ugh...I'm sick of explaining this. /rant. I just hope I didn't miss anything.
I don't know how this reality has escaped you. Everyone's like "Well the game isn't FARM WARS lolololol you shouldn't have to farm for a hundred billion trillion hyperbole hours to get a req. 7 15^50 Crystalline!!!11". Yeah, like, ok. You're right - you don't have to. Go to Droks and craft a perfect longsword. Throw on an armor mod and a vamp hilt and there you go - perfect weapon for like 7K. There's only two ways about this: either rare items are meant to be actually rare, in which case the drop rate should be restored to normal - or they should be common and available to everyone, which is stupid because they already have perfect common weapons that were always widely and easily available for minimal effort. I mean, hell, if weapons should be both rare-skinned (making them collectable) and commonly dropped (making them available to every Joe Jackass and his mom) then they should just make all collector and crafter weapons rare-skinned. There. Problem solved - everyone go home.
If you think that statement is retarded, that's because it is. Easily obtainable perfect weapons have always been available, but rares with rare-skins have always been there for collectors and treasure hunters that want something to show for thier grind. There's absolutely no friggin' reason that should be changed. Casual players who don't farm always could have the best, and hard-core farmers and grinders could ALSO have the best, but LOOK the best too. Now ANet has just handed over the rewards of those who earned them to those who haven't. Wow. Most excellent. I think life should be like that...I don't want to work for should just be handed to me. It'd be like welfare, except you can ask for a million dollars and you'd actually get it. Then everyone would be millionares and money would be worth nothing. Get the picture?
Nobody, save the ignorant or the just plain stupid can claim this was ever a balance issue. It wasn't. As far as items go, balance always existed in terms of gameplay mathematics between the farmers, the casual players, and the PvPers. It's almost a miracle anyways that any kind of economy existed in the game, being as that an item worth 1K is just as useful as an item worth a million. What drives it all? People want to work for this leet stuff. They want the best, even if it takes a hell of a lot of time to get it. That measuring stick ought to be preserved, and if all of you who either don't want to, or don't have the time to play that way - too bad! ANet provided the casual players with alternatives - collectors and weapon crafters. Why should they practically be handed the rewards that others worked hundreds of hours to get?
Ugh...I'm sick of explaining this. /rant. I just hope I didn't miss anything.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
I play when I can, I have a bullshit life and dont get to play as much as I would like to. I tried farming in Prophecies, it was boring. I couldnt keep doing it. Sure, I got some nice drops, but it was nothing I was over excited about, and even back then I couldnt sell a single one of them.
So usually, I have maybe 20K or less in my bank. And if the economy had stayed the way it was in Prophecies, I would have never been able to find or afford a damn thing.
The economy has been to rich for too long and it needed to get nefted and decline. Things need to be easier for the casual player to get, not for the hardcore player to horde.
That's all there is to it.
And you seem to forget there isnt a single crafter or trader that deals in Mods of any kind, perfect or otherwise. So in order for anyone to use their Crafted Weapon with a mod, they still have to pay more money than they can afford in the system of economy you want to keep around.
I play when I can, I have a bullshit life and dont get to play as much as I would like to. I tried farming in Prophecies, it was boring. I couldnt keep doing it. Sure, I got some nice drops, but it was nothing I was over excited about, and even back then I couldnt sell a single one of them.
So usually, I have maybe 20K or less in my bank. And if the economy had stayed the way it was in Prophecies, I would have never been able to find or afford a damn thing.
The economy has been to rich for too long and it needed to get nefted and decline. Things need to be easier for the casual player to get, not for the hardcore player to horde.
That's all there is to it.
Originally Posted by Jessyi
It's like...everyone's missing the damn point of this. All you /notsigners crying "balance" seem to have forgotten that collecters and weapon crafters who make perfect weapons have been around since day 1. It's like you've all forgotten that nobody ever had to grind for anything unless they *WANTED* to, which they obviously do
This took the fun outta getting good gold drops, now I EXPECT each gold rune to be sup abs (and it usually is).
This took the fun outta getting good gold drops, now I EXPECT each gold rune to be sup abs (and it usually is).
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Jessyi
By Chapter 3 we'll be telling our kids stories...stories about how back in the "old days" Guild Wars had a booming economy - about how people could search for rare items and trade them for a profit. Yep...back in the good ol' days.
Seeing as how ANet's version of a utopian economy is simply to devalue perfection by such a severe degree that everyone in the world is simply broke... /signed |
Um, you do realize that in order for people like you to get rich, poor people like myself had to spend our hard-earned money for a decent weapon, not to mention mods. I've been playing for 8 months and I still can't afford the ridiculously priced super-rare stuff. I probably never will. Quite frankly, it costs me enough just to buy skills and necessary weapons and armor. As for something to reach for, there's plenty, i.e. FoW armor, 15k armor, challenge missions, getting the level 2 drunken title, whatever floats your boat.
What I don't understand about people like you is why you think you and your farming brethren are the only ones who deserve to have the best equipment, everyone else can rot and just use their major runes and crappy mods. There's plently for you to do still, and plenty of rare items. Quite trying to screw everyone else so you can have an extra few hundred plat
Originally Posted by Jessyi
It's like...everyone's missing the damn point of this. All you /notsigners crying "balance" seem to have forgotten that collecters and weapon crafters who make perfect weapons have been around since day 1. It's like you've all forgotten that nobody ever had to grind for anything unless they *WANTED* to, which they obviously do.
Elrond Afil
Not signed,
First off, even if you get a perfect mod on a weapon, it doesn't mean you will get it when you salvage it. So there is still not a great chance of getting the mods you need.
Secondly, before this update, if you wanted to make a character ready for pvp, or even just what you want for pve, it costs you 100k at least for one character alone.
Its nice going through a mission getting a gold or two, rather than before where you go through the entire game for a couple golds.
First off, even if you get a perfect mod on a weapon, it doesn't mean you will get it when you salvage it. So there is still not a great chance of getting the mods you need.
Secondly, before this update, if you wanted to make a character ready for pvp, or even just what you want for pve, it costs you 100k at least for one character alone.
Its nice going through a mission getting a gold or two, rather than before where you go through the entire game for a couple golds.
Factions was designed to make game enjoyment less dependent upon amassed wealth. You have to buy every skill, so there's a LOT of gold needed per character. In truth, the main reason for gold in Factions is buying necessary skills and getting one good set of armor that you'll be happy with. That's why you can now get any armor type with any skin.
The economy has been adjusted to favor NEW players who didn't buy chapter 1 and only have Factions. Anet doesn't want these players to feel like they have to have huge amounts of gold for runes and weapons and armor, which of course sends them to ebay. That's what the economy "nerf" is in place for- to keep new players from buying ebay gold. A new player entering Kaineng Square with 5 plat on his account, and seeing a Superior Absorption rune at 100k? With running completely eliminated and solo farming pretty dang hard, how would this player get the money for what he wants? Take a guess. High prices for vanity items AND necessities are what make the gold-for-cash market thrive. This is what Anet does NOT want to see. Greed pretty much ruined Prophecies' economy, and the greedy folks are mad that they can't dominate Cantha's economy the same way.
For those power sellers out there, did you ever wonder how much of that 60k you got paid for a 10/10 sundering mod, or the 100k you got paid for Victo's shield came from ebay? Of course not. Just like in real life, people generally don't care where their customers' money comes from, only that they get it. High prices lead to gold-for-cash. I used to be part of the problem myself, I do admit that. I farmed the hell out of IDS's when they were going for 30-40k, and I sold Victo's Axe for 100k when it was new. But no more; I'm going clean. I think from now on I'm going to either give good stuff to guild or sell it for a very low price. When I need gold, I'll just go to Tyria, where the farming is always good.
Factions was designed to make game enjoyment less dependent upon amassed wealth. You have to buy every skill, so there's a LOT of gold needed per character. In truth, the main reason for gold in Factions is buying necessary skills and getting one good set of armor that you'll be happy with. That's why you can now get any armor type with any skin.
The economy has been adjusted to favor NEW players who didn't buy chapter 1 and only have Factions. Anet doesn't want these players to feel like they have to have huge amounts of gold for runes and weapons and armor, which of course sends them to ebay. That's what the economy "nerf" is in place for- to keep new players from buying ebay gold. A new player entering Kaineng Square with 5 plat on his account, and seeing a Superior Absorption rune at 100k? With running completely eliminated and solo farming pretty dang hard, how would this player get the money for what he wants? Take a guess. High prices for vanity items AND necessities are what make the gold-for-cash market thrive. This is what Anet does NOT want to see. Greed pretty much ruined Prophecies' economy, and the greedy folks are mad that they can't dominate Cantha's economy the same way.
For those power sellers out there, did you ever wonder how much of that 60k you got paid for a 10/10 sundering mod, or the 100k you got paid for Victo's shield came from ebay? Of course not. Just like in real life, people generally don't care where their customers' money comes from, only that they get it. High prices lead to gold-for-cash. I used to be part of the problem myself, I do admit that. I farmed the hell out of IDS's when they were going for 30-40k, and I sold Victo's Axe for 100k when it was new. But no more; I'm going clean. I think from now on I'm going to either give good stuff to guild or sell it for a very low price. When I need gold, I'll just go to Tyria, where the farming is always good.
Renegade ++RIP++
/not signed
Hell, ive completed factions on 1 char and ive got a few chars half way through it and i havent had 1 rare yet! so /NOTSIGNED
I totally agree with kvndoom, nicely put.
Even through all the farming I've done in this game, I still don't buy ridiculously priced weapons or mods from other players. I'm happy with my collector's weapons with crappy mods I find, and continue to sell junk to the merchant so I can afford 15k armor for all my characters. But it would be nice to see a good rare weapon drop with some perfect mods on it or something, or a superior absorbtion (which I still have yet to get). If it destroys your "booming economy", good, maybe the bots will go away.
/still not signed
Even through all the farming I've done in this game, I still don't buy ridiculously priced weapons or mods from other players. I'm happy with my collector's weapons with crappy mods I find, and continue to sell junk to the merchant so I can afford 15k armor for all my characters. But it would be nice to see a good rare weapon drop with some perfect mods on it or something, or a superior absorbtion (which I still have yet to get). If it destroys your "booming economy", good, maybe the bots will go away.
/still not signed
Guinevere Ac
drops are good as they are now. the previous perfect drop rate was insane and i'm sorry if u are full o perfect items because u're loosing A LOT.
it's a game to play, not to farm man
drops are good as they are now. the previous perfect drop rate was insane and i'm sorry if u are full o perfect items because u're loosing A LOT.
it's a game to play, not to farm man
Lord Cooper
/not signed
the only people complaining are the rich kids who suddenly find that their shiny uber rare whatever isnt such a status symbol anymore.. all of a sudden they realise that they arent as l33t as the perceived themselves to be and they dont like it.
/not signed
the only people complaining are the rich kids who suddenly find that their shiny uber rare whatever isnt such a status symbol anymore.. all of a sudden they realise that they arent as l33t as the perceived themselves to be and they dont like it.

/not signed
How pathetic and selfish.
The only people who want less gold drops are those who want to make more money and fuel their own greed.
How pathetic and selfish.
The only people who want less gold drops are those who want to make more money and fuel their own greed.
/Not Signed
/Sarcasm On
Oh your right. Any game that keeps the prices in its economy low must be really wrong. I mean it just wouldn't be fair if everyone could afford perfect items.
/Sarcasm Off
/Sarcasm On
Oh your right. Any game that keeps the prices in its economy low must be really wrong. I mean it just wouldn't be fair if everyone could afford perfect items.
/Sarcasm Off
Perfect drop ratios should have decereased instead of increased there are so many...just look at the high end forums.
Also they are so hard to sell your inventory becomes full since they are so common
Perfect drop ratios should have decereased instead of increased there are so many...just look at the high end forums.
Also they are so hard to sell your inventory becomes full since they are so common
mighty xxl
Many ppl say that PvE is ruined cause of the increase of gold items drop. I must correct u: PvE FARMING is in decline maybe
PvE is not ruined at all - all those new missions to play will fill my time for weeks now.
As for others that say that Arena Net ruined them cause of items prices drop - get on ur feet mans! So what? Life, pardon me, GAME still goes on
I also have rare items that have dropped in price - SO WHAT? They are customized anyway
I don't really care how rich i am anymore... I had FoW armour when few ppl could afford it, i have a collection of req8 15%>50 hammers, my pride and joy (all customized) and most of all i have a lot of FRIENDS. If u like to have like tons of golds, stacks of ectos, zounds of fellblades so that ONLY u feel special... u get no sympathy from me
Many ppl say that PvE is ruined cause of the increase of gold items drop. I must correct u: PvE FARMING is in decline maybe

As for others that say that Arena Net ruined them cause of items prices drop - get on ur feet mans! So what? Life, pardon me, GAME still goes on

I also have rare items that have dropped in price - SO WHAT? They are customized anyway

Only the greedy want to keep the present system to preserve the prices of their HoD swords (oops how much are they worth now?? - nothing? Ouch).
This was a move by Anet to stop the silly prices for items and a move I welcome. Anet have done a Robin Hood on ya ass!
Only the greedy want to keep the present system to preserve the prices of their HoD swords (oops how much are they worth now?? - nothing? Ouch).
This was a move by Anet to stop the silly prices for items and a move I welcome. Anet have done a Robin Hood on ya ass!
Hunter Sharparrow
Absolutely /Notsigned
Well said.
So rather than make items more available to the normal player (what anet wants) you want the items more rare so you either have to spend your whole time farming a location to find one or aquire the obscene amount of gold to buy one from (again) someone who farmed for it. All so you rich players can get more rich? I know what this is, your rich but your losing your fortune and you want to get it back but now you realize how much harder it is with the updates that have been made.
For those that say they want it to give them something to strive for when they did everything else, that's why anet put in repeatable quests and very expensive FoW armor.
How pathetic and selfish. The only people who want less gold drops are those who want to make more money and fuel their own greed. |
So rather than make items more available to the normal player (what anet wants) you want the items more rare so you either have to spend your whole time farming a location to find one or aquire the obscene amount of gold to buy one from (again) someone who farmed for it. All so you rich players can get more rich? I know what this is, your rich but your losing your fortune and you want to get it back but now you realize how much harder it is with the updates that have been made.
For those that say they want it to give them something to strive for when they did everything else, that's why anet put in repeatable quests and very expensive FoW armor.
Mr Wolfmaster
/not signed
I like the gold drops now, so what if stuff is worth less? That's the way it's gonna be. No one said there always had to be items in the econamy that are worth 20k++++ And I'd have to agree, a lot of the people (I didn't say all of the people so don't misquote me) who are signing this are most likely rich in gold drops/raw cash themselves.
I like the gold drops now, so what if stuff is worth less? That's the way it's gonna be. No one said there always had to be items in the econamy that are worth 20k++++ And I'd have to agree, a lot of the people (I didn't say all of the people so don't misquote me) who are signing this are most likely rich in gold drops/raw cash themselves.
hyro yamaguchi
Indeed, I never get any perfect weapons, and I don't want to, only those who are willing to farm a lot should be rewarded with that kind of stuff, and not your average "Oh look at me I found a key during this mission and now I'm opening this chest hihi" kind of person.
Indeed, I never get any perfect weapons, and I don't want to, only those who are willing to farm a lot should be rewarded with that kind of stuff, and not your average "Oh look at me I found a key during this mission and now I'm opening this chest hihi" kind of person.
A question though, and not meant as a sarcastic question either:
What did we think would happen when Anet brought PvP and PvE closer?
Better drops must be more common for the sake of balance, other wise the entire skill over time becomes nothing.
Collector items still have to be modded with the perfect to near perfect mods. Green items still must be either farmed for or farmed to be purchased. The change I'm seeing take place removes a good deal of the time needed to get those items so the players can get into the competition.
From what I read in the forums here, the entire pace of Factions is to throw the players into the competition as quickly as possible. A side effect of that is to make sure they have the equipment to do so.
Side note: I don't PvP and this information is simply from in game chat; but it makes since.
A question though, and not meant as a sarcastic question either:
What did we think would happen when Anet brought PvP and PvE closer?
Better drops must be more common for the sake of balance, other wise the entire skill over time becomes nothing.
Collector items still have to be modded with the perfect to near perfect mods. Green items still must be either farmed for or farmed to be purchased. The change I'm seeing take place removes a good deal of the time needed to get those items so the players can get into the competition.
From what I read in the forums here, the entire pace of Factions is to throw the players into the competition as quickly as possible. A side effect of that is to make sure they have the equipment to do so.
Side note: I don't PvP and this information is simply from in game chat; but it makes since.
We could get perfect items in the first place through collectors..
the original poster and others who complain are simply farmers who are whining how they can no long get "teh ubar lewts" and increase their electronic penis size.
We could get perfect items in the first place through collectors..
the original poster and others who complain are simply farmers who are whining how they can no long get "teh ubar lewts" and increase their electronic penis size.
Originally Posted by Theus
the original poster and others who complain are simply farmers
/I consider myself a farmer. it's not bothering me....
1st: we had good rare drops rate....(complained?)....fixed.
2nd: we had less rare drops rate....(complained)....fixed.
(now)3rd: we still have less than normal rare drop rates....(now complained bcuz of its stats...)....plz leave's fine now...IMO.
Hunter Sharparrow
I just wish all these fabulous non-max perfect items would actually f*cking salvage to something other than crafting materials! |
Indeed, I never get any perfect weapons, and I don't want to, only those who are willing to farm a lot should be rewarded with that kind of stuff, and not your average "Oh look at me I found a key during this mission and now I'm opening this chest hihi" kind of person. |
Well finally Hunter Sharparrow must be happy, he got everything he's asked for in one go. Well done ANET you'v made one person happy and pissed off about one million others. BUT Hunter is happy LOL
Well finally Hunter Sharparrow must be happy, he got everything he's asked for in one go. Well done ANET you'v made one person happy and pissed off about one million others. BUT Hunter is happy LOL
Hunter Sharparrow
Well finally Hunter Sharparrow must be happy, he got everything he's asked for in one go. Well done ANET you'v made one person happy and pissed off about one million others. BUT Hunter is happy LOL |
I'm merely a voice for many. I sometimes ask people who share the same views as myself why they don't post anything on the forums. They tell me one of two things; They do (just not on the Guru forums) or they say that when they have the forums only seem to be full of people who would rather just farm and so they play the game hoping anet will do something rather than waste their breath talking to a bunch of narrow minded individuals. I just say to them to ignore those people because anet has their views and goals and do watch the forums for ideas that will help them achive them.
not signed
You can quote ANET as much as you want, but I know for a fact that there is petitions being sent to NC-SOFT to step in and put a stop to all this nerfing, by ppl from all over the world not just US and EU, that have put a lot of time in to this game and now see there hard earnd rewards gone, ppl have worked for what they have, yes a few made a killing on some economy changes (THANKS TO ANET). NO IT'S TIME FOR NC TO STEP IN AND MAKE SOME GROUND RULES. Other wise reset the whole economy to zero and take away all rare weapons and rare crafting materials in storages and let the game start over. And you would still end up on the short end off the stick Hunter, because you expect everything to be handed too you.
Don't completely change it. It did need a tweek here and there, however, I think it has gone over the top. The hunt for perfect weapon drops was always a thrill for me, now it has been reduced to "wonder what perfect mod/weapon I will get from opening this chest." That was a goal for me as a PvE'r. Yes, maybe I'm shallow, but it was part of the fun for me..since removed.
Don't completely change it. It did need a tweek here and there, however, I think it has gone over the top. The hunt for perfect weapon drops was always a thrill for me, now it has been reduced to "wonder what perfect mod/weapon I will get from opening this chest." That was a goal for me as a PvE'r. Yes, maybe I'm shallow, but it was part of the fun for me..since removed.