15k Kurzick assassin
Personally I like this better than fow, or luxon 15k but thats me, anyways here you are if you were wondering what it looked like.
Rex the Unloving
which part is the dyable part ? the orange or dark blue.
Stolen Souls
Ehh, it's not bad. I agree that it's better than FoW (starter armor with black daggers stuck to it).
Not that great IMO
doesnt anyone have the female version of this? i must see a pic of it! >.<
Xiaxhou of Trinity
So there are specific armors for Luxon and specific armors for Kurzick exclusively?
LiQuId StEeL
Here's a friend of mine's Kurzik Female. Mask is black, the rest is default.
OMg that armor looks AMAZING. I MUST have it! Thanks for the pics BTW. Also, as rex the unvolving said, is the dyeble part the dark blue or the orange?
Originally Posted by Static
OMg that armor looks AMAZING. I MUST have it! Thanks for the pics BTW. Also, as rex the unvolving said, is the dyeble part the dark blue or the orange?
The goldish part is the amber I presume and thats the part thats un-dyable, the armor comes in a lighter blue (the Assassin default color) The pic I put up is with black dye.
Vahn Roi
I saw you in a town today...I'd like the armor better if it didn't have the perma yellow and red bits.
Silvergun Superman
In my opinion, the 1.5k version looks better. Still looking nice though.
Talin Verderben
Very nice set. Tough call between this and the Imperial one. Anyone have a clue on the Luxon set yet?