Working on my E/Rt, but it's finals week, so I don't have the time I would want to just expreiment and figure this out myself. I'm a canthan "born" character, and have gotten to the Marketplace and done a large number of quests in the Bazaar and Undercity. I believe the primary quest that I need to do has me talk to a guy (and gain entrance to??) right near Vizunah Square. I just so happen to be still rocking my starter (5 AL) armor and my Tengu helm. I'm getting by fine, but figure that I will want some max armor by the next mission. I didn't buy along the way, as I saw it as a waste of money, expecting the first city on the mainland to have max armor. The only thing I found was an NPC in the Bazaar that would craft me Tyrian aromor, though.... yuck!
So my question: What's the fastest route I can take (without using a runner) to get to a city (i.e., one like Drok's or LA) where I can have a choice of max AL Factions armor?
quickest route to armor
pretty much due north of the marketplace.
Oh, ok, then. Thanks! But can you just go there, or do you need a quest to be able to access it?
dont need a quest. kaening center is due north of u, take left (west) route and u can avoid just about all the mobs except a few at the end.
Snow Board Guy
yea same