My idea!
In places where a team is needed much like HA and missions to implement a little button for the player to hit that would change there name to a different color( Just like if they move out of range now) to a green or some other color to let the leader of the group know there ready. Basically an "I'm Ready" key

Terra Xin
hmm, that's a pretty good idea. You could have the button featured above "Leave". This way, you'll get rid of the sudden AFKer, and you'll avoid the hassle of "I wasn't ready". Makes people become that more active by clicking rather than typing out "Rdy" lol.
And you also get rid of the "ok... *reads the names of who is ready and spends time finding out who didnt say ready, type out that persons name and ask them if they are.... yep they're ready* lets go"
And you also get rid of the "ok... *reads the names of who is ready and spends time finding out who didnt say ready, type out that persons name and ask them if they are.... yep they're ready* lets go"
If people are unable to state they are ready when asked "everybody ready?" They're probably not worth having on your team anyway. Afterall it is a team game, and anyone unable to even communicate the simplest things really isin't going to help the team that much.
If people are unable to state they are ready when asked "everybody ready?" They're probably not worth having on your team anyway. Afterall it is a team game, and anyone unable to even communicate the simplest things really isin't going to help the team that much.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Zui
If people are unable to state they are ready when asked "everybody ready?" They're probably not worth having on your team anyway. Afterall it is a team game, and anyone unable to even communicate the simplest things really isin't going to help the team that much. |
^Have to agree...
Although it is a decent idea, it still wouldn't stop the people that decide to say "brb...just a sec" as soon as the mission starts. Good idea, but...not really needed.