Can no longer access HA or TA
For some reason, after I added my Factions key to my account, all of my existing role playing characters, which previously have been able to access Heros Ascent and Team Arenas in the Battle Isles no longer can. The icons just vanished from the map although (although the fog-of-war is still cleared there). I've already got some fame so its obvious I've been through the areas before, although Anet's support is just giving me the run-around at this point. Has anyone else had this problem? What did you have to do to resolve it?
No one else is having these problems? Great. No wonder they're not doing anything.
storm of daeth
i think that after you bought factions they dissapeared because anet said after these became available that you had to win 5 rounds of TA to get acces to HA and 10 consecutive rounds of RA to get acces to TA so if you didn't meet the requirments they went away until you do.
sinisters chaos
no, i think u just click on the boat, and go to the temple of balthazzaar, then you click "m" for the map and VUALAH, all those pvp towns wshould be there i think
Storm, I know that I have met those requirements on at least one of my characters. I'll try to meet them again and see if that fixes things. Thanks for the advice.
It seems to be a problem with a few other people as well. Look in this thread.
Thanks Savio. I did a search for similar posts but came up blank. At least I'm not alone!
storm of daeth
if you met the requirments on one char and it still doesent show up i would contact anet asking them whats wrong.