Purple and green weapons...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

I don't know what I should do with them I'm afraid I wasted quite a few purple ones salvaging them. Someone said I could get runes if I used expert salvage kit. Needless to say I got like tree plank or iron ingot or whatever. Feels like complete waste.

Now I have 2 green ones as well. If I understood guys I was talking to earlier, neither of them is "max" so I should "get rid of them"

Now what I want to know is, should I sell them to merchants or salvage them for a chance to get rune? I can't sit there for hours and WTS in towns. So I'll rather take 20g if I can take them



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Well first of all, you can't get RUNES from weapons. You can get weapon upgrade mods from weapons that have them though. (Except for green weapons - you can't salvage them at all)

Check the price forums here and see if they mods on the weapons are worth anything. Most of the time you get more money from just selling the stuff to a merchant.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

Croatian Dark Masters


About the blue and purple items; if they are kinda good, you know low requirements and good damage or bonuses, you should try selling them to players. But if they're crap, just sell them to vendor or salvage them.
Getting rid of 2 green items - no way. They are very hard to get and easybli sellable to players. If they arent "max" then sell them for a slightly lower price.

Stig Figger

Stig Figger

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Firstly, look at this guide.

Originally Posted by Melhisedek
Now I have 2 green ones as well. If I understood guys I was talking to earlier, neither of them is "max" so I should "get rid of them"
Greens are always max (for their type). Should be easy to sell to players (check links in guide for price checks), but also make great gifts for friends if you absolutely would never use them.

Originally Posted by Melhisedek
Now what I want to know is, should I sell them to merchants or salvage them for a chance to get rune? I can't sit there for hours and WTS in towns. So I'll rather take 20g if I can take them
Identify colored (blue, purple, gold) items first. If they're "____ weapon of ____", then they have weapon upgrades. Check the price check link (I keep a printout) to know if the upgrades are good (if so, then expert salvage and hope it works) or not. Use or sell your salvaged upgrade. If there's no good upgrade, then sell to a Merchant for a quick buck, or salvage it if the potential profit from the expected type of material would be higher (it takes time and research to figure out what materials come from what and how much you can sell them for).


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Stig Figger
Greens are always max (for their type). Should be easy to sell to players (check links in guide for price checks), but also make great gifts for friends if you absolutely would never use them.
Not in Factions. There are low level greens that are not max that drop from bosses, even in the island areas.

Solberg the Exiled

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Xen of Onslaught


As people said above, ID the purple ones and look to see if there is a mod that you want, if there is, then you can try to expert salvage them. As for green weapons, if they're max then I'd keep them. If they're non-max, then I'd sell them to the merchant.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

The new low end greens introduced in Factions should generate some cash for you, assuming you haven't customized them. They are still a decent weapon for new toons, so sell to players if you have the time and patience for that.