15k Armour Pics
love it
Plushie Penguin
when I get the last part, I'll replace this one

i'd like to see the luxon 15k top with the canthand 15k pants. The luxon one is too dress-like. and why doesnt anyone show the luxon scalp patern?
Request for detailed 15K Canthan male mesmer pics. I made it part way through the thread and didn't see any. The pics on wiki aren't very good and it looks like a potato sack.
Originally Posted by Cherno
Request for detailed 15K Canthan male mesmer pics. I made it part way through the thread and didn't see any. The pics on wiki aren't very good and it looks like a potato sack.
...why do you think no one has posted a picture?
The 15k Male Canthan Mesmer is by far the worst looking armor in the game.

The 15k Male Canthan Mesmer is by far the worst looking armor in the game.
15K imperial armor for Ritualists.. Dyed blue without head-piece.

Does any1 have same armor dyed black..? it cant be so... umm.. rare?
Electric Sky
looks like no-one has posted a 15K Ele Kurzick armour yet so i'll post mines
i actually wanted it a much more darker red or just black teehee

i actually wanted it a much more darker red or just black teehee
Plushie Penguin
dyed green

Sin Kurzik
Dye combo is
Dye combo is
William the Silent
Luxon 15k male ele dyed black
Canthan 15k male ele dyed silver
Where is the love for the male ele!? ;p
Canthan 15k male ele dyed silver
Where is the love for the male ele!? ;p
Anyone have female Luxon warrior armor dyed black?
^ Post # 253 in this same thread.
Michel Longshorts
15k Kurzick for both Ritualist and Warrior.
Probably my two most favorite pieces of armor in game. And there is no way I would change from their current dye to black. Black I do believe would spoil these armors.
Blue dyes for the ritualist. Silver dyes for the Warrior.
Originally Posted by Michel Longshorts
Probably my two most favorite pieces of armor in game.
I would have to agree, along with 15k Luxon for Rangers and 15k Canthan for Mesmer females.
I would have to agree, along with 15k Luxon for Rangers and 15k Canthan for Mesmer females.
Michel Longshorts
Originally Posted by Matix411
I would have to agree, along with 15k Luxon for Rangers and 15k Canthan for Mesmer females.
The 15k Luxon ranger set is indeed sexy... But I have not seen the Mesmer Canthan. Has anyone posted a pic of it?
Check guildwiki's armor section, they have pics of all armor. Don't really care for the 15k luxon ranger, prefer the 15k canthan. 15k mes cathan female is the best for the ladies and 15k kurz for male mes.
silver bullet
Does any 1 have a pic of a all black warrior armor
Originally Posted by silver bullet
Does any 1 have a pic of a all black warrior armor
help us out. Tell us which kind of armor you are talking about (dragon, knight, kurzik, luxon, etc)
silver bullet
Any armor that would look all black if dyed black. Maybe the 15k platemail at Granite
Originally Posted by Zinger314

Boo-yah. 15k Kurzick.
Undyed, since any dye on that armor makes it worse.

Just got that today. Although I like my FoW + 15k Frostbound mix more still.
I got the full set, but I feel like she looks too royal/poshy when she has the skirt on.
silver bullet
I would like to see pictures of any all black warrior armors wtih black dyes on. Especially the 15k platemail at Granite. I want to make my warrior look like a Black Knight.

Apis Regina
Nessaja, the dye combo for your leg scars turned the, well panties, for lack of a better term, red and black. how did you do that? as you can see mine stayed one color but then they aren't the same scar pattern. Technically the only part of my armor that is actually 15K is the tunic. I just like this mix although i might go for the same scar pattern if it will allow me to change color of the drawers. :P

Originally Posted by Apis Regina
Nessaja, the dye combo for your leg scars turned the, well panties, for lack of a better term, red and black. how did you do that? as you can see mine stayed one color but then they aren't the same scar pattern. Technically the only part of my armor that is actually 15K is the tunic. I just like this mix although i might go for the same scar pattern if it will allow me to change color of the drawers. :P

Hers are Marhans Grotto 8k, with vellum. Yours are 800g Droknars with parchment. The 'panty' part of the 8k vellum, like the 800g parchment, also do not dye. To the best of my knowledge, neither do the actual scars of the 8k vellum version.

Apis Regina
tks for the answer shadowfell

I finally got both pieces for the 15k Glads top.
It's getting there.
Until I manage to save for the rest of it, I'm perfectly content with my combination here:
15k Gladiator Hauberk and Gauntlets
1.5k Kurzick (Gladiator) Leggings and Boots.
He has 1.5k Kurzick Helmet as well, but I don't show it cause I think it's huge.
And, strangely, I like this combo a lot better than 15k Glad + 15k Kurz, only because the leggings have that 'panelled' look to it, which goes with the arm piece from the Glads set.
Not to say that both 15ks together don't look nice ... just personal pref.
Dyed Green + Blue.
Size sucks cause photobucket.com likes to make all my pictures SUPER SMALL.
"Photographs over 1MB are automatically resized."
File is under 1MB in size ... yet ... still resized.
It's getting there.
Until I manage to save for the rest of it, I'm perfectly content with my combination here:
15k Gladiator Hauberk and Gauntlets
1.5k Kurzick (Gladiator) Leggings and Boots.
He has 1.5k Kurzick Helmet as well, but I don't show it cause I think it's huge.
And, strangely, I like this combo a lot better than 15k Glad + 15k Kurz, only because the leggings have that 'panelled' look to it, which goes with the arm piece from the Glads set.
Not to say that both 15ks together don't look nice ... just personal pref.
Dyed Green + Blue.
Size sucks cause photobucket.com likes to make all my pictures SUPER SMALL.
"Photographs over 1MB are automatically resized."
File is under 1MB in size ... yet ... still resized.
Alright. Since that Silver + Green rocked, but I hate green, I just went with Silver + Yellow, since it's more blonde.

Dunno if it's better than my original (undyed)

Any suggestions?

Dunno if it's better than my original (undyed)

Any suggestions?

Ritualist / Necromancer
Dhani Cerulia [ViLe]
15k Kurzick Armor
Head: Dyed Black+Purple
Chest: Dyed Black+Yellow
Hands: Dyed Black+Yellow
Legs: Dyed Black+Purple
Feet: Dyed Black+Yellow
Hmm, black + purple doesn't look that much darker (if at all) from straight purple. Will have to check on my femal rit tonight when I get home.
ur worst night mare
man i would post my warrior but can only compress it down to 100kbs darn
Made a typo in "Kurzick"
Lobotomizing Shocks
Anyone want to post me a Full-15k Warrior Canthan Armor dyed black or in a mixture of black? :-D
Originally Posted by Lyonette
now that is some seriously cool looking armor
thanks so much for showing this, this is the only pic of seen of 15k male assassin armor, and it looks great. now i just have to figure out how i get luxon 15k armor when my alliance is kurzick...
It dosent matter, as long as you have more luxon faction that kurzick, you are luxon. And people, stop calling kurzicK kurzicH.

thanks so much for showing this, this is the only pic of seen of 15k male assassin armor, and it looks great. now i just have to figure out how i get luxon 15k armor when my alliance is kurzick...

ur worst night mare
me with my luxon 15k dyed black and a fow helem.
me with my luxon 15k dyed black and a fow helem.
Originally Posted by Lobotomizing Shocks
Anyone want to post me a Full-15k Warrior Canthan Armor dyed black or in a mixture of black? :-D
Lobo there is a small picture of a Warrior in black 15k armor in post 194 of this thread. It's small, but it gives ya an idea of what the color would look like.
Cup O Jobe
I like the luxon armour better =/... but this is what i got so check it. "dyed gold"
Originally Posted by funcadelic
Female Mesmer 15k Cantha (with out mask, its ugly)
It's Dyed red/purple/red/red
Now that is da bomb!
It's Dyed red/purple/red/red

Great King Thor
I think X Dwayna X's armor and all the assasins armor looks SWEET. lol
Might make a warrior or a assasin just for the armor.
Might make a warrior or a assasin just for the armor.
Here's some of the 15k armors i got from Factions, I dont have the 15k female wamo armor anymore since i deleted her.
L-R, Mesmer 15k Kurzick & 15k Canthan (End game armor)
L-R, Ritualist 15k Imperial (End game armor), 15k Kurzick, & 15k Luxon
L-R Elementalist 15k Canthan (End game armor), 15k Kurzick, & 15k Luxon
L-R, Mesmer 15k Kurzick & 15k Canthan (End game armor)
L-R, Ritualist 15k Imperial (End game armor), 15k Kurzick, & 15k Luxon
L-R Elementalist 15k Canthan (End game armor), 15k Kurzick, & 15k Luxon