Perfect Crafter Weapns in Factions
I have seen a fewauctions under collecor/crafter items for swords and axes and the are perfect weapon. Only hing is these people want300k...i think not. Where can these crafters be found so i can get them at a decent price. Thanks.
what u need, if you supply the materials and cost, and I can get to the crafter I'll make it fer u free. Just pm me.
Dr Ripley
I just had a perfect death staff made by a weaponsmith as well (I don't remember seeing weaponsmith staves in Prophecies either, but I could be wrong). Pretty nice actually. Only cost 5K plus a few common materials. Cheaper and quicker than buying/farming rare and unique weapons, and you can apply mods to these as well. I tried dying it though, and it didn't work. Is this a bug maybe? I assumed that if you could apply upgrades to a crafted weapon, then you could dye it as well. Maybe not...
yeah, for some reason there are a few items that just don't dye... no good reason for it as far as I know.
i was able to dye my bronze shield collectors item didnt show up very much, but you could see a little blue
Originally Posted by Dr Ripley
I just had a perfect death staff made by a weaponsmith as well (I don't remember seeing weaponsmith staves in Prophecies either, but I could be wrong). Pretty nice actually. Only cost 5K plus a few common materials. Cheaper and quicker than buying/farming rare and unique weapons, and you can apply mods to these as well. I tried dying it though, and it didn't work. Is this a bug maybe? I assumed that if you could apply upgrades to a crafted weapon, then you could dye it as well. Maybe not...
crafted, not collector...
I just had crafted a staff for my Ritulist
Damage 11-22
Energy +10
20/20 Communing
+5 Energy (added)
+30 hp (added)
It looks terrible but ‘does what it says on the tin’, which is most important.
Dare not think how much a gold staff to this spec would cost
Damage 11-22
Energy +10
20/20 Communing
+5 Energy (added)
+30 hp (added)
It looks terrible but ‘does what it says on the tin’, which is most important.
Dare not think how much a gold staff to this spec would cost
Just go to any of the weapon people in a town at any later part of the game. Each of them have like 10 different items that are perfect for 2kish in materials and 5k to craft.