Off-hand items


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


I have just gotten a Disciple off hand item that adds +healing to my spells and 5 energy. I equiped it and it worked fine becuase I had the (req. +4 is disciple) but now that i have upped the the points to 6 the item now has the no smoking circle with a slash through it symbol.

Is this case for all items. If it say you are req. to have a certian amount of points in an attribute line for it work then you can not use that item if you go over that amount?

Seems odd to me.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Off-hand artifacts do not work with a two-handed item, like a staff. You have to use a wand, sword, axe, cane, etc. Thus the "disabled" symbol.