What is the short form for "Assassin"
Most of the classes have a 2-3 short form.. but due to the 1st 3 letters of Assassin ... what is the "short form".
Due to people avoiding "@$$" for Assassin, what are people are calling it.
I've been using asa and people been have been understanding what I meant.
At least Rit is easy. I did notice that advertising as an Assassin comes out A/X (X=subjob)
Due to people avoiding "@$$" for Assassin, what are people are calling it.
I've been using asa and people been have been understanding what I meant.
At least Rit is easy. I did notice that advertising as an Assassin comes out A/X (X=subjob)
I just call em ninjas ;o
"sin" seems to work as well.
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
At least Rit is easy. I did notice that advertising as an Assassin comes out A/X (X=subjob)
It will come along when A/x will get their cookie cutter builds, like E ward or Me e-surge...
dr1zz one
A/Mo > Ass/Mo
I hate 'sin'...how about 'asn'?
^^^ lmfao.
I'm pretty sure there are no Me/Ass around.
I'm pretty sure there are no Me/Ass around.
Originally Posted by dr1zz one
A/Mo > Ass/Mo
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by GranDeWun
I hate 'sin'...how about 'asn'?
Originally Posted by Mai
I just call em ninjas ;o

Better tna asking for an E/mo
Omega X
I think that ASN would do well as a good abbreviation.
from what i've seen, everyone just goes "no more assassins/assasins" still too many of them around to specifically ask for them, so guess the abbrieviation will take some time to come around >.>
and i like to call myself emo ^^ whenever people ask what my first char is i always say it's an emo ^^;
and i like to call myself emo ^^ whenever people ask what my first char is i always say it's an emo ^^;
How about just using the class abbreviation "A"?
Seriously, "asn", "sin" "assy" all need to die.
Seriously, "asn", "sin" "assy" all need to die.
why do you guys have to bend everything beyond recognition? why can't we all just use a short, simple and easy-to-remember ASS?
Originally Posted by eudas
How about just using the class abbreviation "A"?
Seriously, "asn", "sin" "assy" all need to die. eudas |
Originally Posted by ignis
why do you guys have to bend everything beyond recognition? why can't we all just use a short, simple and easy-to-remember ASS?
Because I've always said "GLF 1 more - no more Asses!"
Got to avoid confusion
Because I've always said "GLF 1 more - no more Asses!"
Got to avoid confusion

Lasher Dragon
I am enjoying my Ass/Ran, poison works well with daggers.
On the other cheek, my Ran/Ass is awesome - Shadow Step into the mob, Whirling Defense, lay traps, Return back from the carnage.
On the other cheek, my Ran/Ass is awesome - Shadow Step into the mob, Whirling Defense, lay traps, Return back from the carnage.
Big Tony
To much talk of Ass in this thread 
I actually havent seen anyone specifically requesting an assassin for a misison or quest yet......

I actually havent seen anyone specifically requesting an assassin for a misison or quest yet......
I use: assass or 'sin. (I guess I'm use to using only the front or the back of it.)
in mission areas they normally refer to themselves as ass 's (nuff said :P) Sin sounds better to me, but they seem to want to be called Assmo's or asswars. My wife wondered what i was laughing at when one assasin was spamming. "Anyone want an asswar????" Made my juvinile mind chuckle at least
I use Asn.
In Diablo II they're called Assa iirc

I really want a proffesion that can be abbreviated to "Hole" in the next chapter.
I prefer "Sin" because you can tack it on to anything like:
critSin LFG, conditionSin LFG, etcSin LFG
critSin LFG, conditionSin LFG, etcSin LFG
I just use Assn
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by lyra_song
I prefer "Sin" because you can tack it on to anything like:
critSin LFG, conditionSin LFG, etcSin LFG |
AssMinion LFG
NukeAss LFG
AssTrapper LFG
OK I need to stop, or I'm going to have to move this to OT.

Wrath Of Dragons
Originally Posted by Lasher Dragon
"Ass" can be tacked on to quite a few things too...
AssMinion LFG NukeAss LFG AssTrapper LFG OK I need to stop, or I'm going to have to move this to OT. ![]() |

Most people say "sin" I've found
I think "sin" sucks, but I don't see anything better
Eet GnomeSmasher
All those abbreviations are horrible. How about we just type out the whole name?
How about 'aggro' ? Seems to be what they are best at..
that red guy
or how about the dead guy on the ground
I just call them "Ass" its only a bad word if its meant to be bad, in this case it is not. If I dont use Ass I just say A since thats GW official short term.
Anyway I agree That red guy, they are a good and valueable class, especially in pvp but most don't understand how they work. They think they are tanks just because they use melee so they stay there with their crap armor to die. Thye have shadow step skills for a reason, unleash a combo and leave, heal and head back.
Anyway I agree That red guy, they are a good and valueable class, especially in pvp but most don't understand how they work. They think they are tanks just because they use melee so they stay there with their crap armor to die. Thye have shadow step skills for a reason, unleash a combo and leave, heal and head back.
I call them assassins or sins
I just use sin.
I don't get it... is it too hard to say/type assassin or something? lol, just think about typing ass twice and add an in at the end.
As far as I remember, in D2 they were abbreviated to "asn". I wouldn't be surprised if that takes hold here...
az, asn, assn are my favs
how about n00b?
:-) jk... so as not to offend, use 'butt'
they are spelling out to you though what you should use...
ass-ass-in see, ass is in. use ass
:-) jk... so as not to offend, use 'butt'
they are spelling out to you though what you should use...
ass-ass-in see, ass is in. use ass
Originally Posted by Alleji
As far as I remember, in D2 they were abbreviated to "asn". I wouldn't be surprised if that takes hold here...
/me fears the rule of the lowest common denominator...