Alliance... Whos online? I don't know....
The problem:
There is no 'who's online' / roster for alliances!!
We have it with guilds, but not with alliances.
So short of adding *everyone* in your alliance to friends, what are you meant to do?
It would be much easier to arrange gvg/alliance battles if we could see who was online.
An 'alliance' message feature would also be nice, eg from leader of alliance.
My proposal:
Put up a roster in the alliances tab that lists the players that are online and their respective guilds.
Put in an alliance annoucnement system.
Feed-back on this idea appreciated.
There is no 'who's online' / roster for alliances!!
We have it with guilds, but not with alliances.
So short of adding *everyone* in your alliance to friends, what are you meant to do?
It would be much easier to arrange gvg/alliance battles if we could see who was online.
An 'alliance' message feature would also be nice, eg from leader of alliance.
My proposal:
Put up a roster in the alliances tab that lists the players that are online and their respective guilds.
Put in an alliance annoucnement system.
Feed-back on this idea appreciated.
Is asking is XXXX is online in alliance chat so hard? Or how bout adding them to your friends list.
sinisters chaos
well lampshade i kno my list is full, and spamming the alliance chat to ask if like 10 of ur freinds are on, is not a good idea, but then again i asked Gaile about this on one of her visits in LA d1, and she said she doesnt know where GW could fit the members of 10 diff guilds, but i propose u can see 1 guild at a time in your alliance to see whos online.
Raiin Maker
Originally Posted by sinisters chaos
well lampshade i kno my list is full, and spamming the alliance chat to ask if like 10 of ur freinds are on, is not a good idea, but then again i asked Gaile about this on one of her visits in LA d1, and she said she doesnt know where GW could fit the members of 10 diff guilds, but i propose u can see 1 guild at a time in your alliance to see whos online.
"Friends" has dropdowns for Friends Online, Friends Offline, and Ignored. Why not have that for each guild in the Alliance menu, to show which members are online?
sinisters chaos
ok well look, a full alliance has 10 guilds, lets say 10 people are on each guild (which is not very many) that means it will show 100 people, which will take up a lot of room, usually lets say 20-30 ppl on, depends on teh guilds, that can go voer 300 people on 1 list... i find it nearly impossible, i just say u can see the roster for one of ur alliance guilds at a time
Click N. You see the arrows, either pointing down or to the side? That's what I meant. You can choose to show any or all of the guilds' members online.
sinisters chaos
yes but agent, if u do want to show them all, and theres 300 of them online, how is this possible..... i mean i know the whole time i would keep it to "show none" due to it taking up half of my screen with names
Well, it's the same way when you have enough friends to fill up the list. You have to scroll down.
sinisters chaos
but u dont have close to 50 on at a time, wait can u even fit 50 on a list..
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the max is 100. I know it's at least 50.
sinisters chaos
yeah well thinking everyone on ur list online * 3 lol
I would like -some- method of seeing allies' rosters.
Friends list goes to 100 people and alliances can have 1000 people. So there's a problem, no matter how many sub group you make.
My suggestion is when you click on a guild in the alliance tab, it drops down a menu of who's online, and goes away when you click on another guild. Clean not too spammy or cluttered.
My suggestion is when you click on a guild in the alliance tab, it drops down a menu of who's online, and goes away when you click on another guild. Clean not too spammy or cluttered.
Originally Posted by Lexar
Friends list goes to 100 people and alliances can have 1000 people. So there's a problem, no matter how many sub group you make.
Originally Posted by Lexar
My suggestion is when you click on a guild in the alliance tab, it drops down a menu of who's online, and goes away when you click on another guild. Clean not too spammy or cluttered.
I made a mock up just for some inspiration. Give feedback on this:
Alathys Tylderaan
Originally Posted by Lexar
My suggestion is when you click on a guild in the alliance tab, it drops down a menu of who's online, and goes away when you click on another guild. Clean not too spammy or cluttered.
That's a great idea.
Originally Posted by cobra3k
I made a mock up just for some inspiration. Give feedback on this: |

Looks cool
but with guilds with 40+ peolple can be long.

I made a mock up just for some inspiration. Give feedback on this: |
I mean, couldn't they just fetch info from the guilds tab and display that, instead of putting people into a new database?
I would like better in-game information about players, team mates, guilds, ... and better means of communication.
I would like better in-game information about players, team mates, guilds, ... and better means of communication.
I have accounts in two different guilds, of course allied. Already it's irritating to have to fill up friends' list with people I'm in a guild with.
I have accounts in two different guilds, of course allied. Already it's irritating to have to fill up friends' list with people I'm in a guild with.
Kool Pajamas
I dont think it would really be that hard and it would be very nice to have.
I dont think it would really be that hard and it would be very nice to have.
Dr Strangelove
/signed for the idea of being able to view one guild at a time. I barely know anyone in my alliance because I dan't tell when they're online and their non-officers can't chat with everyone else easily.
Originally Posted by Arcador
Looks cool
![]() |
This is a good idea which a lot of people probably would agree with. But how in the world would this be done? I personally like it but I couldnt think of a way for it to be applied to the actual servers without lagging them 0_o
cobra3k, good idea. I thought the guilds you showed got only officers :P
I don't see why they won't include such a feature in the future, but probably will have low prioritity since it is minor interface thing compared to other stuff people are crying now.
I don't see why they won't include such a feature in the future, but probably will have low prioritity since it is minor interface thing compared to other stuff people are crying now.
Vermilion Okeanos
About the edited alliance menu screenshot.
It would be better if all the things is in sub menu, and would have to be click on and would be minize as soon as another was clicked on.
Also that an option to see how many people currently online at the moment. Just the number that is.
It would be better if all the things is in sub menu, and would have to be click on and would be minize as soon as another was clicked on.
Also that an option to see how many people currently online at the moment. Just the number that is.
Anybody else ever notice that the exact same "solutions" get presented in these types of threads multiple times?
Rayne Nightfyre
I definitely agree that there should be some sort of alliance roster, I believe the best way would be to have a drop-down list on each guild's name in the Alliance tab to show who all is in each guild.
Originally Posted by agentnull
"Friends" has dropdowns for Friends Online, Friends Offline, and Ignored. Why not have that for each guild in the Alliance menu, to show which members are online?
Originally Posted by agentnull
Anybody else ever notice that the exact same "solutions" get presented in these types of threads multiple times?
It's almost fundamental, IMO, to have had this implemented for Alliances. If privacy is such a concern, then allow the separate Guild Leaders to be able to toggle on/off their Guild Roster list.
It's almost fundamental, IMO, to have had this implemented for Alliances. If privacy is such a concern, then allow the separate Guild Leaders to be able to toggle on/off their Guild Roster list.
/signed for both
alliance announcement would be good, better then trying to get 600+ people signed up to forums
and being able to see who is only would be great aswell. maybe similar to friends list but with a dropdown box similar to online offline dnd and away, but with the guild names and it replaces with their guild roster
alliance announcement would be good, better then trying to get 600+ people signed up to forums
and being able to see who is only would be great aswell. maybe similar to friends list but with a dropdown box similar to online offline dnd and away, but with the guild names and it replaces with their guild roster
I agree.
I haven't got anything else to say. Common sense tells me this should be added.
I haven't got anything else to say. Common sense tells me this should be added.
bamm bamm bamm
Originally Posted by cobra3k
I made a mock up just for some inspiration. Give feedback on this: |

Each guild with a tab would be better so you don't have to go through hundreds of people just to see if your friend is online.
Or maybe some sort of thing that highlights certain people? And/or some kind of alarm that you can attach to someone offline so you will be reminded when he/she gets back?
Or maybe some sort of thing that highlights certain people? And/or some kind of alarm that you can attach to someone offline so you will be reminded when he/she gets back?