MERGED: Your message has been suppressed due to excessive messaging...
Whoever thought this up needs to take a typing class. Anyone who's been around a computer for longer than 5 minutes can type faster than the filter allows. It's extremely annoying, and this is coming from someone with a 1-man guild. I can only imagine how much of a pain it must be for those who participate in actual guild chat.
implementing filter in the whisper channel is totally stupid..>
i understand if implementing filter in local chat and other channel is to avoid spamming..but the whisper channel?!..O.o
i understand if implementing filter in local chat and other channel is to avoid spamming..but the whisper channel?!..O.o
Daemon Dremora
yes i do believe it is to execssive. when i try to whisp someone who just whisped me and it tells me i cant, i get angry cause i dont want the person who whipsed me first to think i am ignoring them or yeah definitely needs fixed
yea i hate it at first i didnt notice but now im doin more then one thing at once, guild chat, whispering people and alliance chat it can be annoyin especially with all the people asking me questions, it was better how it was before
Pevil Lihatuh
I've got mixed feelings on it. I never come across the filter normally when just chatting; only time so far that it's shown for me was when I was on trade channel last night trying to sell, and reply to offers/guildmates in between. But just meant I had to wait a few extra seconds before I could send my trade message again. Dunno if I'd want it lessened or not... even in my short trade time last night, one or two people were doing a darn good job of dominating the window even with the filter on.
With me, it seems that the more i chat in a district, say ToA Dis 1, the more frequent i get the message of excessive spamming. But, all i have to do is switch to dis 2, thne back to dis 1 and its sorted.
Well, probably the same for everyone, but its not really a pain.
I dont have a problenm with the trade/normal chat filters. But putting restrictions on guild/whisper and allaince chat is just ridiculous. Because they are the chats that tend to be talked in the most, its a bit silly.
Well, probably the same for everyone, but its not really a pain.
I dont have a problenm with the trade/normal chat filters. But putting restrictions on guild/whisper and allaince chat is just ridiculous. Because they are the chats that tend to be talked in the most, its a bit silly.
I've had really ankward situations with the filter :/...
I was chatting with a friend of mine in Kaineíng Center and middle of conversation excessive messaging filter comes on >_<...I ended up doing breath emote and my friend understood what happened...
I was chatting with a friend of mine in Kaineíng Center and middle of conversation excessive messaging filter comes on >_<...I ended up doing breath emote and my friend understood what happened...
Former Ruling
I think the excessive messaging was ok how it was in Ch1 >_< maybe a small fix was needed to catch the people that just go "WTS [blah] 1" "WTS [blah] 2" "WTS [blah] 3" etc,etc,etc - but all in all it was working how it was supposed to.
Its just wrong that they extended it to Whisper. It effectively limits the number of people you can have a conversation with to 1-2. Thats assuming you only want to talk in 1 channel. Whispering a freind and disucssing soemthing with your guild is impossible >_<
BUt I dont chat that much so I dont run into it often.
Its just wrong that they extended it to Whisper. It effectively limits the number of people you can have a conversation with to 1-2. Thats assuming you only want to talk in 1 channel. Whispering a freind and disucssing soemthing with your guild is impossible >_<
BUt I dont chat that much so I dont run into it often.
The system was a bit retarded in chapter 1, but now it's so horribly broken it makes me want to rip off my face.
1. Fix it so suppressed messages do not reset the suppression timer, that's retarded
2. Do not filter guild chat, team chat, or whispers
3. I can't even imagine why people spamming WTS can get around this filter and spam an identical message every 2 seconds and people having legitimate conversations get filtered, but FIX IT. At the very least a stupid, frequency based system should treat these THE SAME, and a simple pattern matching system could detect if someone is sending the same or very similar messages and tolerate a lower frequency for more similar messages.
4. Increase the size of the ignore list. It doesn't need to be unlimited... 65535 or so should be sufficient for most users
1. Fix it so suppressed messages do not reset the suppression timer, that's retarded
2. Do not filter guild chat, team chat, or whispers
3. I can't even imagine why people spamming WTS can get around this filter and spam an identical message every 2 seconds and people having legitimate conversations get filtered, but FIX IT. At the very least a stupid, frequency based system should treat these THE SAME, and a simple pattern matching system could detect if someone is sending the same or very similar messages and tolerate a lower frequency for more similar messages.
4. Increase the size of the ignore list. It doesn't need to be unlimited... 65535 or so should be sufficient for most users
Originally Posted by Ira Blinks
Easy solution:
1) remove server controlled spam filter (except maybe for messages that go faster than once a second for performance sake) 2) remove limit from ignore list 3) notify blocked user as "<Such and such> added you to his ignore list" |
Why is our ignore list limited, again? Oh yeah, no reason
*smiles at the idea of a spammer beign spammed with
"<Player1 added you to his ignore list"
"Player2 added you to his ignore list"
"Player3 added you to his ignore list"
"Player4 added you to his ignore list"
"Player5 added you to his ignore list"
"Player6 added you to his ignore list"
"Player7 added you to his ignore list"
"Player8 added you to his ignore list"
"Player9 added you to his ignore list"
"Player10 added you to his ignore list"
"Player11 added you to his ignore list"
"Player12 added you to his ignore list"
"Player13 added you to his ignore list"
signed bc theres no reason for these spam filters
Please fix it!! im going insane. guild chat, aliance chat, whisper, they dont need any filters. Its happening so often its so frustrating.
what was wrong with the way it was?
what was wrong with the way it was?
wth will the dudes at arena finish enjoying their basket of fan treats and fix the dang filter?!?
sinisters chaos
yeah.. i think a fix is coming VERY SOON
i saw gaile talk about it in one of her visits, and she said she got filtered too, and she wasnt spamming..
wut gaile wants, gaile gets LOL!
i saw gaile talk about it in one of her visits, and she said she got filtered too, and she wasnt spamming..
wut gaile wants, gaile gets LOL!
/signed!!! aaargh i hate that damn filter ^^
I see no reason for these filters to be in whispers. To ignore spam in whispers, all you have to do is add the person to your blacklist, then after a while, take him/her off. It's not that hard. It's frustrating to have the ridiculous orange text cut you off from a friendly conversation.
I see no reason for these filters to be in whispers. To ignore spam in whispers, all you have to do is add the person to your blacklist, then after a while, take him/her off. It's not that hard. It's frustrating to have the ridiculous orange text cut you off from a friendly conversation.
First time I have seen this never happened to me before.
I got the message in whisper and actually thought I had the wrong channel. I type fairly quickly, but nowhere near 150wpm. Now I have to wait between talking with friends in whisper and talking with guildies in guild chat. Very silly...
I got the message in whisper and actually thought I had the wrong channel. I type fairly quickly, but nowhere near 150wpm. Now I have to wait between talking with friends in whisper and talking with guildies in guild chat. Very silly...
This is garbage. I can barely have an active discussion in team chat or whispers without getting this stupid "Your message has been suppressed due to excessive messaging" garbage. Maybe if ArenaNet didn't put such a limiting and retarded character-limit on messages, people wouldn't have to hit enter so damn often. I'm tired of having conversations broken up by this feature. Either alter the requirement for the 'excessive messaging' counter, or lengthen the character-limit on what we're allowed to enter at once.
I've had enough of it.
I've had enough of it.
/signed to have the character limit increased.
I don't mind the char limit so much as the fact that it reacts instantly to you saying something else, rather than allowing 2-3 rapid replies before kicking in.
i really hate it when i have a discussion in whisper and pops up, thats just a waste of time for me.
i really hate it when i have a discussion in whisper and pops up, thats just a waste of time for me.
yah it def needs to be adjusted but NOT taken out
Exactly dude, i made a post about this even though it didn't get to far. I really want that excessive mesaging taken out or at least have the character limit increased! I mean Why would a-net put put excessive messaging on whisper!!! If the person doesn't want to be spamed its kinda called Ignore...
I can never have a active conversation without this excessive messaging kicking... its just pissing me off.
/signed with 3 accounts
I can never have a active conversation without this excessive messaging kicking... its just pissing me off.
/signed with 3 accounts
this is total stupidity..i understand if they put it in local chat..but i failed to see any reason they put it in whisper..=/
this is total stupidity..i understand if they put it in local chat..but i failed to see any reason they put it in whisper..=/
Whats worse is that there are people who get around it and somehow manage to spam the exact same message once or twice a second for a minute or two. So its not working to stop spam, and its hurting the legit users.
Sounds like a lot of DRM schemes to me
Sounds like a lot of DRM schemes to me
Mustache Mayhem
yeah why they have his apply to wisper or team chat.. weird- I'll sign
Mercury Angel
I apologize for any disorientation, desyncing, or discontinuity this may have caused, but there were a good 5-6 threads on this subject, not including the few already merged into this thread, and the alternative was simply closure.
This is now THE thread regarding message suppression
This is now THE thread regarding message suppression
Sorry Mercury Angel. I was lagging connection-wise earlier and was too rage-y to take time to search before posting. I apologize for not searching for the main thread beforehand. (Thank you for merging it and not closing it, btw.)
Void Assassin
There is absolutly no point of the excessive messaging filter for whisper.
That's what the ignore list is for and offline status is for.
There is absolutly no point of the excessive messaging filter for whisper.
That's what the ignore list is for and offline status is for.
Arx Baron
Wasn't it a kinda bug at the beginning?
Wasn't it a kinda bug at the beginning?
its really annoying.
its really annoying.
Anet really know how to piss us off, and I myself are a fast typer and i always get supressed and it wont let me type anythink for like a minute.
I hope anet actully realises whats going on.
Anet really know how to piss us off, and I myself are a fast typer and i always get supressed and it wont let me type anythink for like a minute.
I hope anet actully realises whats going on.