Wispers Nuked!
You can not wisper to fast now. THIS IS MAKING ME SO MAD!!

this is pissing me off as well.
is it giving the same message as if you spammed the trade or all channels? If so, report it as a bug. I'm pretty certain that shouldn't be a feature seeing as how it's an individual PM and that other person can set the person to ingore. If its to keep ppl from whisper tons of different people (spamming links to individuals) then maybe its a new feature, but I doubt it.. They'd all just ignore.
Originally Posted by CyberNigma
is it giving the same message as if you spammed the trade or all channels? If so, report it as a bug. I'm pretty certain that shouldn't be a feature seeing as how it's an individual PM and that other person can set the person to ingore. If its to keep ppl from whisper tons of different people (spamming links to individuals) then maybe its a new feature, but I doubt it.. They'd all just ignore.

Gaile just said to report it. I would do the same but have other more pressing bugs bugging me.

Well I sometimes have used whisper spams as a form of punishment for ppl who try and scam noobs, so I can see how they might nerf whisper spamming to prevent the power of the whisper spam from being used for lest than just purposes. I do though hope that whispers have a greater tolerance of text you can send in one moment because my whispers to friends usually contain a lot of info or explanation. Or it's just a quick back and forth of short sentences. This whisper spam prevention is a little too strict I think.
Its way to strick. IMHO
The Real Roy Keane
What, does it restrict how fast you can send any whisper, or does this simply prevent identical messages being spammed? If it's the latter, I don't see the problem..
Chilly Ress
It restricts the number of them you can send in repetition I believe.
if your whisper fast and a lot, it supresses you....
it's annoying....I can't have a conversation now? geeze
it's annoying....I can't have a conversation now? geeze
Digital Bath
Hmm, well apparently I got locked out of guild chat for 10 mins because I was spamming. Woot! So, right, I can't talk to anyone more than twice now without being suppresed. Why not just say, "We originally wanted this to be a single player game and we are now using our will to do so."
It restricts how fast you can send whispers. Really sucks for fast typers.
What happened is that a HoH team allegedly had friends spam whispers to their opposing team causing a large lag spike.
I noticed this yesterday, it's pretty annoying..
Hope it's fixed soon
Hope it's fixed soon

Is this only with whispers? No silencing going on in local/trade chat?
this is really pissing me off too, im trying to talk to my bestest buddy and it isnt working!!!
this is pissing me off as well, just when I got a list of friends to spam the hell out of.. lol
Song Rui
as soon as you get out of town it stops.
cri mor prz
cri mor prz
Damn you anet!

Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Damn you anet!
![]() |
This is one thing that's always bothered me with guild wars, the time in between messages has to be like 5 seconds or me apart. I'm a fast typist and to me this seems like an eternity.
Can't it be disabled until you post like 4 messages simultaniously? It would make so much more sense.
Can't it be disabled until you post like 4 messages simultaniously? It would make so much more sense.
just call me jimmy
Hockster What happened is that a HoH team allegedly had friends spam whispers to their opposing team causing a large lag spike. |
Just take it down a 1000, and let A-Net try to fix the issue.

Originally Posted by just call me jimmy
Did any of you read that? I know this may seem harsh, but stop thinking about how it affects YOU. From the sounds of things, there is a bigger picture ( People Being Idiots) Don't blame A-Net for things that may have been caused by people in game ( Which I would suggest is the reason for most problems).
Just take it down a 1000, and let A-Net try to fix the issue. ![]() |
The current *fix* isnt really very smart.
Fix it again please.
Ailyrr Merlena
For those of us who type upwards of 100 wpm, this is VERY frustrating. I'm trying to have a conversation with a friend, who's in a different mission, and I'm told that I've had excessive messaging? Just because of how fast I can type and send the message?
Originally Posted by just call me jimmy
Did any of you read that? I know this may seem harsh, but stop thinking about how it affects YOU. From the sounds of things, there is a bigger picture ( People Being Idiots) Don't blame A-Net for things that may have been caused by people in game ( Which I would suggest is the reason for most problems).
Just take it down a 1000, and let A-Net try to fix the issue. |
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by just call me jimmy
Did any of you read that? I know this may seem harsh, but stop thinking about how it affects YOU. From the sounds of things, there is a bigger picture ( People Being Idiots) Don't blame A-Net for things that may have been caused by people in game ( Which I would suggest is the reason for most problems).
Just take it down a 1000, and let A-Net try to fix the issue. ![]() |
I too find this really annoying, cant talk to more than one person with out getting stopped atleast a couple times.
Originally Posted by just call me jimmy
Did any of you read that? I know this may seem harsh, but stop thinking about how it affects YOU. From the sounds of things, there is a bigger picture ( People Being Idiots) Don't blame A-Net for things that may have been caused by people in game ( Which I would suggest is the reason for most problems).
Just take it down a 1000, and let A-Net try to fix the issue. ![]() |
just call me jimmy
Wow I'm srry but I have never seen a larger "It's all about me" thread on Guru.
I am quite sure that, this is not due to 1 event (An HoH Battle) I am positive if this is something they are fixing, then there is a Bigger Picture. It could also be a bug, which they are fixing. I think all of you who flamed me for pointing out what someone said was the possible reason, should get of your high horse. Also to the people who had to say that they type 100 words per minute, I have a great idea. Go Get the Guildwars Secretary's Edition, I hear you can get the title of Fastest Typing.
I am quite sure that, this is not due to 1 event (An HoH Battle) I am positive if this is something they are fixing, then there is a Bigger Picture. It could also be a bug, which they are fixing. I think all of you who flamed me for pointing out what someone said was the possible reason, should get of your high horse. Also to the people who had to say that they type 100 words per minute, I have a great idea. Go Get the Guildwars Secretary's Edition, I hear you can get the title of Fastest Typing.
change it back, please, for the love of god. every second thing i whisper in a conversation to a friend is considered spam. its terrible..
The spike whisper was always better than the repeated single party whisper anyhow, in the instance of say... someone scammed a friend of yours, gather up all the guildes and 3 2 1 spike SCAMMER! lol.. imagine their face when 40 or so of those from a different source pops up. You don't even have to worry about heal party afterwards.
Originally Posted by Hockster
What happened is that a HoH team allegedly had friends spam whispers to their opposing team causing a large lag spike.
edit - others suggested that too
What I dont get is I see traders doing numbers/etc at the end of posts and spamming, maybe this hits that as well? But yeah with whispers and guild chat? The former ignore or do not disturb, the latter kick the idiot out of your guild

Yeah, I've noticed this too. It is very unfair for people who want to talk to friends and guildies. I know you want to keep spam down, but as it is, I can hardly even have a conversation.
they should probably give us the option to not accept whispers from strangers (ie people not in your guild or buddy list) since they're usually the one who are doing the evil whisper spamming (depending on personal point of view of course)
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Agreed! I can't stand this, guild chat does it also, and I am a fast typist! NO!!!

My Sweet Revenga
simplest solution would probably be to just lock whispers within an HOH match to only those in the match. Isolate them from outside, problem solved. If you're in a match, no reason anybody from outside should be messaging you unless your wife is expecting or something....
Fargin Scotchsman
imo, anet's "fixes" r makin teh game a helluva lot worse. apperantely, the dun got enough peeps actually PLAYING the game before they "fix" it. also, the release of factions didnt do the one thing i wuz hopin fo, better smite monk spells. EVERY DAMN ONE IS A RIPOFF OF THE PROPHECIES SKILLZ!!!! WTFH ANET?!?! WTFH!!!??
/signed /signed /signed
as someone who types about 150 WPM this is really goddamn annoying.
im a major trader with alotta peopel that i talk to on a daily (if not hourly basis) having conversations with 5+ people is a thing that i regularly do; on top of the standard GC conversations that i often have at the same time, while talking on vent.
this crap is inifintly annoying; i cant talk with 1 person, let alone 2 or more, without getting 5 "you have been suppressed for excessive messaging" error crap 3 times for every 1 message that actually makes it through.
no thank you anet, please revoke this crap ASAP.
and its not just about fast typing, its about i should be able to hold as many conversations in different chat channels as i wish, without being hindered. i can understand it in allchat, or trade...but in my own guildchat/alliance chat/pms, where having conversations with multiple people is a must (otherwise you get pms askign why you are being so rude as to ignore them in the middle of a conversation) this little feature is beyond annoying.
if it isnt intentional, please remove it...if it is, please remove it. there is absolutly no good reason for this, what so ever.
as someone who types about 150 WPM this is really goddamn annoying.
im a major trader with alotta peopel that i talk to on a daily (if not hourly basis) having conversations with 5+ people is a thing that i regularly do; on top of the standard GC conversations that i often have at the same time, while talking on vent.
this crap is inifintly annoying; i cant talk with 1 person, let alone 2 or more, without getting 5 "you have been suppressed for excessive messaging" error crap 3 times for every 1 message that actually makes it through.
no thank you anet, please revoke this crap ASAP.
and its not just about fast typing, its about i should be able to hold as many conversations in different chat channels as i wish, without being hindered. i can understand it in allchat, or trade...but in my own guildchat/alliance chat/pms, where having conversations with multiple people is a must (otherwise you get pms askign why you are being so rude as to ignore them in the middle of a conversation) this little feature is beyond annoying.
if it isnt intentional, please remove it...if it is, please remove it. there is absolutly no good reason for this, what so ever.
Ex-mud pvper.If any of you type faster than me, I would be surprised as hell.
And this new thing discriminates against me hardcore. My legitimate typing does not need punishment. BS I tell you, BS.
And this new thing discriminates against me hardcore. My legitimate typing does not need punishment. BS I tell you, BS.