What are they?
Since I'm one of the two Necromancers who's beaten the game so far, he's the Necromancer ability, and damn, it's good.
It's bitter irony that the Necro Celestial ability is a super-sized Bone Golem.
I have no idea what "level20-" means, but my Celestial Horror was lv. 25.
He has the same skin as a Bone Golem and counts under your limit of 10 Minions.
However, he can only be used once, and is recharged every boss kill (like a Res Signet)
i.e. you need to be a Minion master to make effective use of him. And boy, it's a damn effective use.
In the battle vs. Shiro, as I said, the spell has an additional effect:
Yeah. You get your own giant Bone Golem army.
What do the other abilities do?