Yeah this has been a bit of a problem for a few months or so... anybody know what causes this?
Sometimes it's not that bad, like it will only be on people's capes or faces. Sometimes random squares of that appear on the word map or cover the compass. It wasn't happening for a while but then when Factions came out it started up again. This happened today...
and it happened in a town too, on the capes. The graphics card on my computer is this: "SiS 760"
So yeah... anything that I can do to fix this?
Red blocks everywhere...?
upgrade your video card
Originally Posted by scoobycivic
upgrade your video card
Yeah that's what I was afraid of... any suggestions? I really don't want to be spending a lot on it if I don't have to.
Well what type of interface does your motherboard use? Is it PCIExpress or AGP? If it's AGP, prepare to spend a lot of cash for a good graphics card (6800GTs are about 200 bucks) while the same card in PCIE is about 120 bucks.
its called SIS, it is really bad enough as is
btw this isnt me this is my girl friend who posted this. Her account wouldnt activate so i let her use mine.