Alliance Improvement Suggestions

Laibeus Lord

Laibeus Lord

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


Holy Order of the Light [HOL / Holy Order]


Alliance Improvement Suggestions:

1) An Alliance "Note" similar to Guild Notes
2) An Alliance roster - we can view who's online (do not include when they were last online) per guild. We can right click on a guild and choose "See Roster" <-- we can't use the Alliance chat to ask who's online because it is restricted to GL and Officeres only. And point #2, regardless if it isn't restricted, you don't want 1000 people (granted) to shout out "I'm online".
3) Move the "Kick Button" under a right-click option per guild. I almost clicked it 3x already. For sure there's a confirmation, but it is still too dangerous. Or at interchange the Kick Button and the Visit Guild Hall button.
4) Give us an option to choose which of our "guild-members" can chat in the "Alliance Chat Channel".
5) Following #4, give the Alliance Leader an option to choose which guilds can be allowed to "GL+Officers only" or "All Members as per assignment of the Guild-Leader's (in #4). <-- gets?
6) Make the Alliance Leadership transferable.
7) Provide an Alliance Officer, that way the rest of the Alliance knows which people are officers of the Alliance. Ie "Officer Players" not "Officer guilds".
8) Allow us to put "representatives" in the Alliance tab list. That way, if for example Guild A is the ALliance Leader, their members won't get so bossy over the other guilds coz their guild (Guild A) is the Alliance Leader. <--- gets?

hmm add your suggestions after this, or violent reactions



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006




Agreed with all.

Also, fix the bug that makes your guild tab RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up sometimes when you zone. It tells me I am offline when I surely am not, I havn't played Guild Wars to the point I am seeing things... yet anyway.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


yeah that bug needs to be fixed so, /signed

I was helping one of my guildies through a mission, and even when it says they arent online, (cuz when your offline, your default name is displayed) they could be under a diff name, so technically they arent even in your guild... but they can type in green^^,,

Laibeus Lord

Laibeus Lord

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


Holy Order of the Light [HOL / Holy Order]


any other /sign out there? ^_^