On Leaving A Guild


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Final Exodus (FX)


Originally Posted by baz777
Fortunately my wife has no interest in gaming. God, if she was in our guild she’d have everyone tidying out their storage box every 5 minutes and complaining about the dust in the guild hall
HA! That's so funny because it's true. My husband and I have 3 accounts between us, and I routinely force him to gather all his materials and give them to me for storage in my account. Then I give him all my dyes for storage in his account. Then we put greens and good mods in the third. He couldn't care less, but I make him organize it, because I can't stand to have stuff all over the place. Sometimes I'll log into his characters to make sure he's got stuff cleared out and to put his extra plats in storage so I can see how much we've got (he'll carry around 20k, while I'm scrounging for money).

Anyway, as for the original post in the thread--we left a guild that imploded, and I can completely understand why you left. When my husband and I were on, which was more than most of the people in the guild, we'd be hounded for help. I don't mind helping out guildies, but I couldn't get anyone in the guild to hold something for my character, much less anything more strenous like help completing a mission. I think when it starts to ruin your fun time, it's pointless, because that's what the game is for. We realized we didn't pay money to be someone else's donkeys, and that we weren't having fun anymore, so we left. Good luck with the new guild



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Originally Posted by nyxnemesis
HA! That's so funny because it's true. My husband and I have 3 accounts between us, and I routinely force him to gather all his materials and give them to me for storage in my account. Then I give him all my dyes for storage in his account. Then we put greens and good mods in the third. He couldn't care less, but I make him organize it, because I can't stand to have stuff all over the place. Sometimes I'll log into his characters to make sure he's got stuff cleared out and to put his extra plats in storage so I can see how much we've got (he'll carry around 20k, while I'm scrounging for money).

Anyway, as for the original post in the thread--we left a guild that imploded, and I can completely understand why you left. When my husband and I were on, which was more than most of the people in the guild, we'd be hounded for help. I don't mind helping out guildies, but I couldn't get anyone in the guild to hold something for my character, much less anything more strenous like help completing a mission. I think when it starts to ruin your fun time, it's pointless, because that's what the game is for. We realized we didn't pay money to be someone else's donkeys, and that we weren't having fun anymore, so we left. Good luck with the new guild
OMG me and my husband are opposite on that! He is the one always jumping on storage and having a fit when its not tidy and such =O

Yeah guilds are not easy to run, but its really helpful when you have good friends (even those you pick up ingame) that you can fall back on in hard times. Good Luck to all of ya ^_^

(and with that I will stop spamming your thread and wish you and your wife finally for the last time, the best of luck!)


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


Originally Posted by nyxnemesis
I think when it starts to ruin your fun time, it's pointless, because that's what the game is for. We realized we didn't pay money to be someone else's donkeys, and that we weren't having fun anymore, so we left. Good luck with the new guild
Wow so true. If your fun is being ruined over a long period of time, it kind of makes the whole thing more like work, than fun you are supposed to be having.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


Originally Posted by Oberon Shadowking
If your guild is treating you badly, you have reason enough to leave.

If on the other hand, you guild is treating you wonderfully, but they don't meet your standards, do you have reason to leave? This is an interesting question. Yes, you have a standard which you want your guild to live up to, but at the same time, unless you can say that they really AREN'T trying to get better towards your standards, don't you have a loyalty commitment to them? Are not YOU responsible to make your invite worth the 100 gp cost to the leader or officer?

I suppose this is really off topic, but I'm going to continue ranting anyway.

Being the leader of a small, primarily PvE guild, I've had a TERRIBLE time retaining members. Often, when I see someone advertising "Looking for a guild," and we chat, and I invite them, they leave within a DAY of joining, without so much as a 'No thanks, it just didn't work out.' Perhaps my guild doesn't satisfy all of their needs, but we TRY HARD TO GET BETTER. All the people out there with five second attention spans need to understand, a guild is HARD WORK. There's a LOT of competition between guilds for members, so of course, if one guild doesn't work for you, you'll quickly find another one.

But doesn't the player who ASKS for an invite, sans any qualifying statement like "Must have TS/ do HoH," have an OBLIGATION to his guild? CAN he leave? Yes. CAN he find another guild, probably a better one, quickly? YES. But the fact remains that he SHOULD not. He should do his best to make the guild better, and if it doesn't BECOME better, then his obligation is void. Until one can see that the guild is not making progress, one should be LOYAL. Loyalty in a game might seem ludicrous, but it's not. A game like GW is based around the principles of loyalty. Think about it. Guilds in themselves are tight knit groups of people who share common interests and goals, and who are loyal to one another. There's even a certain amount of loyalty in PuGs, keeping one player from leaving, simply because they're loyal to the group, and the group finishing its quest or mission.

So, were you justified in leaving your guild? Yes, most emphatically. If a leader is not honourable, or if he betrays a trust, the bonds of loyalty are broken, as in real life. If a general cannot command his soldiers' trust, he cannot command them. But I encourage ALL those people who read this thread and who might be considering to leave their guild: Give it a chance.

Thanks for listening!
Amen i started a small PvP guild, the first night had 10 members, including the one i started it with. the next morning the guy i started it with was gone and so were 6 members.

SO me being an idiot recruited 7 more people, i made sure to ask all the right questions, and best thing that happened was they left immediately after, so just how much money have i wasted, im stillt rying so far the tab is 15K+2k+1.8k=18.8k and climbing.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006




As a guild Leader i have a big problem with people joining a guild and then leaving in a matter of hours upon joining. Also i believe that a person who is leaving should give a good reason for doing so. Now you seem to have a valid reason enough, and i believe that as a member you should be able to recieve that help you need from the officers and leaders. I wish you the best of luck and finding a new guild and hopefully will be better then your last one



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lexior's Crib

Prof Gai Married Mhenlo [YaY]

1 freakin thing dudes..... It's just <A><GAME> ROFLMAO.....



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

if your guild is waving off your input on the situation of a guild then they obviously dont care about a members opinion. I was in a previous guild that totally ignored what i was saying, i got most of the members supporting me to and we had 6 officers on at the time, not one peep from them. I later got one to answer me and say "we are making changes soon" No changes were made, if you guild doesnt care about a members opinion then its not a good guild, leave.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Melbourne , Australia

Crazy Clan[CRAZ]


This kinda sux a bit and I'm sorry to hear you were put in those situations. Been there myself , kinda.

From my experience and in my honest opinion a guild leader is there to keep the peace and to direct the guild to its goals not to be-little members and make themselves somehow superior.

I think making the decision to leave was the right one, maybe the players will stay together in that guild but from my experience people wise up eventually.