I'd love to be able to re-watch some PvP battles. It's hard keeping track of what skills were used, where things went wrong, etc.. when you're in the middle of a fight. If there's some technique I missed here, let me know.
It would also make for good content/training for Guild websites, etc..
Record a battle...
You could always use an external video capture program like FRAPS
GW could introduce a "record demo" command like on CS and some other game where there is competition
I may try a video capture program - though it's not ideal. It would be nice to have a roving camera during playback, it would be nice to keep the file size small, and it would be nice to not have CPU time tied up in recording.
I, for one, would love to watch some epic battles between higher level guilds. And, I think, they'd enjoy the fame of winning a "televised championship".
I, for one, would love to watch some epic battles between higher level guilds. And, I think, they'd enjoy the fame of winning a "televised championship".
Sereng Amaranth
observer mode, coming soon to an arena near you