An everchanging hedge maze with monsters, elite skills, and special items hidden in it. It would have to change daily or weekly though. Plus it would have to be huge. But, can you imagine ppl getting split up and getting lost. That would be so fun. And arena net can't ruin it with monsters around every corner. The fun thing about being in a maze is getting lost.
Arenanet: just do it like the maze in the move "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
oh and one more thing. make it complicated : let a route go on for a while even though it is a dead end. if you have any questions about how to make it fun just ask me. I used to make mazes as a hobby.
Elite mission idea!
Anet wouldnt be able to keep it up
Altho it wuld b fun sry man
Anet wouldnt be able to keep it up
Altho it wuld b fun sry man