15k Canthan Monk MALE armor.
Here you go, if you want to use the picture to put on guildwiki you are welcome to use it. I love this armor =)
Very nice, it looks good on you. Here is one dyed differently.
LiQuId StEeL
Can't wait to get my monk there
Can't wait to get my monk there
Vahn Roi
That's the armor I had planned to make for my monk, glad I finally got to see it.
Looks like ping-pong when it's dyed black though :\
Looks like ping-pong when it's dyed black though :\
unda dawg
haha i dont really like it......im the only one
i <3 it that stuff is the shit!
wiki updated with your pic.
EDIT: rofl I put it in wrong place
EDIT: rofl I put it in wrong place
DAS Achilles
is it dyed?
It is dyed black
wiki's page for this armor is not coming up for me. anyone have the material reqs for the armor by chance? thanks.
Eragon Dragonslayer
that is t3h 1337 armor!