Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
The slums and the city are cool and everything, but it bothered me that:
1. This most holy of places, the temple, is in the slum's sewage district.
2. The entrance to the city from the outside is the city's most ugly and disgusting area. You'd think that the grand gates of Kaenig City would be a little more well kept
I agree with you on both of those, but as mitigating considerations I can imagine the temple has a couple more entrances we don't use and aren't aware of that have more auspicious addresses (even if we can't see them). It could just be a "back door" as it were, that's merely convenient. As for the gates, I might suppose you mean into Pongmei valley. For this, I read somewhere in the lore (I think maybe on the map screen) that the city itself really just covered the area around Kaineng Center in the extreme northwest, until the jade wind drove everyone up and forced urbanisation - slums. In that sense, the gates would just have happened, not been planned because that's simply where the city stopped filling with refugees. The grand visitor's area to the seafaring mercantile nation of Cantha is from the docks to Kaineng Center, not the mainland - and that all sounds logical to me. I don't know if any of this is "right" but it's how I make sense of it, and if you look for it there's lots of little details like this all though GW. (But most people I've noticed racing through won't have noticed any of this.)
Just to add, I think the slums are exactly the right length. I love the city as it's been done but the GW environments, most especially the new ones are extraordinary. Coming out of a city into them would feel just the same in real life.