Goal reached today! - $$$
Xue Yi Liang
*Polite applause ensues*
what's your goal? full body tattoo? :]
damn rich ppl, whered u farm pm me ingame plz
Wow. Congratulations! By the way, what's that Black Hammer down in the last row of your storage?
So now that you're rich, donations to charity ensue, right? Have I mentioned how needy I am lately?

Bueno Star
hey, how did you get the legs tattooed AND the pants on at the same time. i was under the impression that the leg tats were removed when you wore the pants.
never played a monk, i'd guess it's a foot tattoo maybe?
Xue Yi Liang
It's a foot tattoo.
Originally Posted by Nairo
Wow. Congratulations! By the way, what's that Black Hammer down in the last row of your storage?
That's an alternate graphic for the War Hammer I believe, its quite impressive XD
Go away with your eBay bought money, jk. /congrats.
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by DarkZeus
Go away with your eBay bought money, jk. /congrats.
You mean I did this the HARD WAY? OMG

Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Nairo
Wow. Congratulations! By the way, what's that Black Hammer down in the last row of your storage?
It's for sale if the price is right:
Psssh, weak sauce, get 1bil then well talk.
Myth Osis
Damn, I can only ever seem to get 1k a night (Doing smite runsx2) am i doing somthing wrong ... pm me pls
I was told 100k to carry and 1mil in storage is the max, is that right?

It seems impossible to earn that much for me
anyway grats

Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Myth Osis
Damn, I can only ever seem to get 1k a night (Doing smite runsx2) am i doing somthing wrong ... pm me pls
Only 1k per night?
Read this:
Read this:
Da Cebuano
Oh man, I'm only halfway there
and yes, that is also my goal

i make about 3-4k per night, 5 if im lucky, was yesterday tho 
Farming Grawls in Witmans Folly, over all i got 3 Gold runes, 2 Purple and 10 Blue, made a fair bit from selling them
I would have a lot more if i could sell these damn runes!
Take a look, u might need 1

Farming Grawls in Witmans Folly, over all i got 3 Gold runes, 2 Purple and 10 Blue, made a fair bit from selling them

I would have a lot more if i could sell these damn runes!
Take a look, u might need 1

The undead Mesmer
Erace you shoulnt have told that Anet is gonna nerf that spot now
(i hope not danmit)
(i hope not danmit)

Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
Erace you shoulnt have told that Anet is gonna nerf that spot now
(i hope not danmit)
anet wont nerf a spot just by mentionin it
(i hope not danmit)

Originally Posted by aknox
anet wont nerf a spot just by mentionin it
Beg to differ, it happened with numerous spots before afaik.
Drakharran Zealot
But just a small question, what in the seven seas are you going to do with that money?
But just a small question, what in the seven seas are you going to do with that money?

Please excuse my noobiness, but what do you mean by "nerf" the area? I'm guessing it means they modify it so that the drops aren't as good or something of that manner.
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Drakharran Zealot
But just a small question, what in the seven seas are you going to do with that money?
I'm going to Disneyland! j/k
I'm using it to buy the best equipment for my fellow guildies who deserve it but can't afford it. Also it's nice to have the luxury of being able to experiment with mixing dye colors and similar costly and curious endeavors.
I've noticed the quality of my drops drastically decline since I posted about hitting the big million. Maybe it's my paranoia but I suspect I might have been flagged so as to slow my financial growth. If that's the case I'm just gonna retire from GW - because there's no point playing if I'm just gonna get bones and orr emblems from now on.
But just a small question, what in the seven seas are you going to do with that money?

I'm using it to buy the best equipment for my fellow guildies who deserve it but can't afford it. Also it's nice to have the luxury of being able to experiment with mixing dye colors and similar costly and curious endeavors.
I've noticed the quality of my drops drastically decline since I posted about hitting the big million. Maybe it's my paranoia but I suspect I might have been flagged so as to slow my financial growth. If that's the case I'm just gonna retire from GW - because there's no point playing if I'm just gonna get bones and orr emblems from now on.
Da Cebuano
Yeah, my farm runs have been piss poor too, definitely nerfs, which is hard cause I am still at 560plats and I have still 440plats to go. Although I have yet to sell 60k worth of craft material(which I wont say) + absurd amount of wood planks and whole bunch of superb gold weapons, my mule is full atm, I just need the buyers.