Characters and skills...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



So when I first bought GW last June, I started a Ranger/Necro. He's at level 8. I don't play him that often. I have another character, a Warrior/Ranger, that will ascend soon.

Now I don't play very often, and I'm starting to regret making Ranger my Warrior's secondary. When I ascend, I understand I'll be able to change my secondary. I'm wondering if that's a good idea.

What are the benefits/disadvantages to changing your secondary profession? If I were to change from Warrior/Ranger to Warrior/Elementalist...then all of the Ranger skills I unlocked with my W/R would be locked again? In both PvP and PvE? And I would need to start from scratch with the Elementalist skills, right?

Basically I'm trying to overlap as little as possible.

Also, if this makes a difference, I have not spent even one skill point with mt W/R. If that makes a difference in what I can do.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

You don't lose anything when switching 2nds, you just can only use the skills available for your current 2 professions. If you start wa/ra and switch to wa/el, when you create a PvP toon you will have access to all skills you've unlocked.

When you make the profession change you get the starter skills you would have gotten in pre-sear then some few skills can be gained thru quests between Ascalon and Yaks. The rest you buy/capture.