According to the May 4th notes, bloodstained boots have been added to cantha and fissure of woe.. ok, obviously if they're in fow, they must have been made a 15k item. So I am looking around cantha for the boots, and they are nowhere to be found. Have they only been made a 15k item?
That is ridiculous! Put the boots in the Kaineng armor merchants along with everything else and with the respective looks. I am tired of looking at my nifty looking armor and then these, ugly-ass boots that do not match, -anything-
If anyone else has found the boots, can you tell me where.
Bloodstained Boots in Cantha? Oh yah? Where then?
Just do what I do- go all scars 'cept the boots. I look like zombie trailer trash. It looks so horrid that it works.

I used to use the 8k vellum eating scar, but if you go across to cantha, the 1.5 stuff looks soooo much better because you can still get the 52 energy, but have the option of wearing clothes... and the canthan style looks so much more detailed than even the 15k prophecies stuff.. I actually salvaged all of my CH 1 15k armors, sans bonelace, because I like that still... but anyhow, back on topic, the bloodstained boots are just style killers