EB Games not getting the pre-order games

Cmdr. Gen. Momster

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005



I was told this morning because of a mix up in the inventory change over with gamestop that the EB stores won't be getting the Collectors Edition that we have pre-paid for. I was told go see if I can purchase it someplace else and bring in the receipt and they will refund the money. Anyone else getting this? Can't get into the charcters I created with the pre-order key nor can I access the new areas with my old characters. sigh



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


I ordered 2 from EB - one for me and one for my sister. Both delivered today.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



OMG, that sucks.

You know, when I went Sunday I actually wanted to order the CE at EB Games. They wouldn't even take my order for the next shipment, they directed me to their website.

I went ahead and bought the reg edition since I had a gift card (feel dumb about it now), but I wonder if EB games is washing their hands of the CE?