Take signet of devotion off the healer henchies
I'm so incredibly sick of going out to do a mission in Kaineng city (where its worst, it isn't quite so bad elsewhere) with henchies, only to find in fights I'm not getting healed because the healer henchie is trying to spam signet of devotion (which of course doesn't work). Signet of devotion is a great energy management skill for HUMANS to use because HUMANS know when they can use a slow heal like that, and when they can't (at least in theory). The AI isn't good enough to use signet of devotion wisely by a long shot. Alesia and Lina were far from perfect, but they never let their entire party die as often as Sister Tai does. I don't even care if the henchies have to go back to prophecies set ups (oh noez!), anet please, either improve the AI so they don't use SoD when a party member is taking X much damage-per-second or are under X% health or take SoD of the healer henchies (the latter is superior to the former might I add). I don't want to sit around spamming for a party to do missions for an hour, I want to be able to grab henchies and go without having to worry about the henchies not being able to heal. Thank you.
At least its better than Sister Tai using Purge Signet... i remember in the FPE luring a group of necro spikers and the first thing she did after i dropped to about 30% health in 2 seconds flat was Purge Signet...
Nothing could compare with the mid battle Rebirths while stood touching target ally... they stopped that happening right
Nothing could compare with the mid battle Rebirths while stood touching target ally... they stopped that happening right

I agree... there have been numerous occasions where i have been at like 2% life for more than a few seconds and not been healed by henchies its rather frustrating.
It'd be nice if sister Tai would use a boon based build. But then again, since they can't dual class, she might have trouble with energy management. Still, it seemed like Mhenlo was always quite a bit more competent a healer than Tai...
Regardless, most Factions missions are easy enough with the hencies, despite their current (sometimes frustrating) AI.
Regardless, most Factions missions are easy enough with the hencies, despite their current (sometimes frustrating) AI.
They're easy for most missions and most professions, but trying to get my warrior through everything doing missions with big spawns (eliminate the jade brotherhood and eliminate the am fah back to back left me with -60% DP before finishing the former because my healers refused to do anything but spam SoD) is frustrating to the nth degree.
Kura Touzoku
On the topic of AI, maybe they should change the AI of henchies on shing jea. I started a rit yesterday, and while summoning spirits, we got attacked, and the guardian henchie just stood there and took damage, and after a fight, he runs to another, just out of range group, and either attacks, or just aggros them all, and runs back.
/signed completely