MERGED: Enjoying Factions Threads
I really like Factions.
However, why is it most threads that have a title that would make you think it was about praising Anet/Guild Wars spend far more time devoted to ranting how disgusted they are with the forum userbase?
I mean, you might want to take more care in labeling them more in line with the -actual- subject of the thread. It is possible to support a video game or company without clotting the forum with another diatribe filled thread. No amount of playing the "countering the rants" or true fan card changes the real focus of these threads.
However, why is it most threads that have a title that would make you think it was about praising Anet/Guild Wars spend far more time devoted to ranting how disgusted they are with the forum userbase?
I mean, you might want to take more care in labeling them more in line with the -actual- subject of the thread. It is possible to support a video game or company without clotting the forum with another diatribe filled thread. No amount of playing the "countering the rants" or true fan card changes the real focus of these threads.
Lepton CFd
Finally a thread that is not trying to tear apart Factions. GWP and GWF are both great games, and I highly respect ANet for the time they've spent working on these games. Both make you want to come back for more, and even though ANet knows their game has this quality, they still don't charge a monthly fee.
Hurray for ANet!
Finally a thread that is not trying to tear apart Factions. GWP and GWF are both great games, and I highly respect ANet for the time they've spent working on these games. Both make you want to come back for more, and even though ANet knows their game has this quality, they still don't charge a monthly fee.
Hurray for ANet!
Hello everyone, since there are so many threads with nagging and bad vibes, i thought that we could make a thread with lot's of positiv spirit.
Feel free to post anything that you really like with Factions
Feel free to post anything that you really like with Factions

I love it, and knowing that chapter 3 is only 6 months away and counting and is gonna be as good as factions, anyone know where i can place a preorder for it yet?
GG ANet, cheers

GG ANet, cheers

master chief matt
The story line is very intruiging. it is fun to watch the fmv's and see what's going to happen next.
did anyone else here read Macbeth? if so you can understand me when i say shiro=macbeth, fortune teller=the 3 blind witches, emperor=king, party=mcduff and army.
I'm a fan of Shakespeare and was psyched to see this as a storyline.
the new weapon skins are great, especialy the celestial weapons. I like having the two new characters, and love assasins
i also like how they split up the last two quests, getting to shiro and killing shiro, not like getting to lich, killing him twice, then getting banished to lava with like 5hp left, and then if you're entire party died you had to start over from the begining. This is a great change, also means you can easily try new builds and stratagies to beating shiro.
new pets are great, especialy teh phoenix, hopefully they will make a red/fiery orange one later on in the game in an expansion area.
not being able to run to the last mission as a lv1 is a great feature as well, forces people to do the story line, though in a thread i found something i do agree with, once you "unlock" an area by doing the primary missions with one char you should be able to solo/hench your way through to that area without having to do the entire story line again.
overall i think the game is great, though there are a few points on it that im a little upset about, mainly how short it is, and a few others, but other than that this is a great expansion to proph campaigns
did anyone else here read Macbeth? if so you can understand me when i say shiro=macbeth, fortune teller=the 3 blind witches, emperor=king, party=mcduff and army.
I'm a fan of Shakespeare and was psyched to see this as a storyline.
the new weapon skins are great, especialy the celestial weapons. I like having the two new characters, and love assasins
i also like how they split up the last two quests, getting to shiro and killing shiro, not like getting to lich, killing him twice, then getting banished to lava with like 5hp left, and then if you're entire party died you had to start over from the begining. This is a great change, also means you can easily try new builds and stratagies to beating shiro.
new pets are great, especialy teh phoenix, hopefully they will make a red/fiery orange one later on in the game in an expansion area.
not being able to run to the last mission as a lv1 is a great feature as well, forces people to do the story line, though in a thread i found something i do agree with, once you "unlock" an area by doing the primary missions with one char you should be able to solo/hench your way through to that area without having to do the entire story line again.
overall i think the game is great, though there are a few points on it that im a little upset about, mainly how short it is, and a few others, but other than that this is a great expansion to proph campaigns
I'm not going to say i'm disappointed as i didnt expect a lot. I'm a pvp player, so i'm not sure about the pve aspect of it, but i do enjoy the new look of the enironment. (I do a little pve and i found it's too hard for me ><!)
The alliance battle is alrite. Great place for messing around. But i'd prefer all 12 players are in one team like in beta, so that u can have some basic communication among the team.
In term of the pvp aspect i would be happy if the new skills can increase the number of different build. By that i mean currently there are mainly r-spike, b-spike, mix-spike, iway, vimway, hex, condition (I'm a HoH player ^^), dual smite(!!!!) and some other balances, it would be fun if the new skills can inspire new trends of build or revive old builds (maybe beast master, spirit spammer xD), rather than just some minor tuning of the olds.
I bought faction out of need rather than for fun. It's unthinkable for me if there are some skills/builds that i can never try.
GW has added many great features since it's released (i.e. isle of nameless, the bar showing one's skill casting time, the purple number showing u gain or lose nrg, team travel..... etc). I have no doubt that it'll only get better.
The alliance battle is alrite. Great place for messing around. But i'd prefer all 12 players are in one team like in beta, so that u can have some basic communication among the team.
In term of the pvp aspect i would be happy if the new skills can increase the number of different build. By that i mean currently there are mainly r-spike, b-spike, mix-spike, iway, vimway, hex, condition (I'm a HoH player ^^), dual smite(!!!!) and some other balances, it would be fun if the new skills can inspire new trends of build or revive old builds (maybe beast master, spirit spammer xD), rather than just some minor tuning of the olds.
I bought faction out of need rather than for fun. It's unthinkable for me if there are some skills/builds that i can never try.
GW has added many great features since it's released (i.e. isle of nameless, the bar showing one's skill casting time, the purple number showing u gain or lose nrg, team travel..... etc). I have no doubt that it'll only get better.
Factions is great! Sure, people may have legitimate complaints, but - for all those who are posting vicious rants, think how much worse it could be:
Guild Wars could be controlled by S.O.E.!
Guild Wars could be controlled by S.O.E.!
i like the games as well..well, actually the rant posted here are not stupid rant entirely..if anet willing to view the complaints in a positive way and improve the game furthermore..i believe that GW:Chapter 3 will be perfected even more..
Factions is a good game, it needs a few tweaks, but a cool game none the less.
Charlie beastmaster
Have to sign, totaly plaesed with GW:f, and i still haven't seen all (much of the factions stuff) so i can only say it's a great game and i'm nailed to it as often as i got time.
Studio Ghibli
With all these threads sprouting up criticizing how fast the advancement is, issues with PVP, problems with the new classes, or other things which basically fall under the "This isn't what I'm used to/how I wanted it to be," I thought I'd make a post about how I -like- Factions.
There will always be a disproportionate number of posts being critical as opposed to supporting. Why? People like to complain. It's always easier to complain about something than it is to praise something.
How many times have you taken the time to complain about a poor visit at a restaurant or retailer compared to how many times you've actually taken the time to praise them about the visit?
In any case, this thread is NOT to invalidate the complaints (despite my teasing title), but instead simply to let Anet and folks know that, hey, there may be a few issues with the game--but, from someone who's been following you from Day.. "whenever it was when your character appeared in post-searing Ascalon and there were no towns and you eventually started handing out those little skill jewels," the only thing I don't like about Factions so far is that I'm having to wait for my guildies to HURRY THE HELL UP TO CAVALON. :P
I like Factions! I like how the focus is more on purchasing skills than "earning" them. I like how fast the advancement is. I like Cantha--it's beautiful, and I especially like how you "planned" certain areas in the game to simply catch your eye, such as the exit from Shing Jea Monastery, or.. ah.. I think it's heading from Zos Shivros Channel to Mount Qinkai.. wow! I've had no bugs or problems or issues with any of the missions--they all worked flawlessly. I don't mind that ELITE missions are ELITE. I've already been discussing with my guild the mechanics of being able to access said missions. <3 the titles! <3 the improved drops. <3 the anti-running changes.
To be fair, though..
There is one thing that Factions does need, ArenaNet.
More cowbell.
With all these threads sprouting up criticizing how fast the advancement is, issues with PVP, problems with the new classes, or other things which basically fall under the "This isn't what I'm used to/how I wanted it to be," I thought I'd make a post about how I -like- Factions.
There will always be a disproportionate number of posts being critical as opposed to supporting. Why? People like to complain. It's always easier to complain about something than it is to praise something.
How many times have you taken the time to complain about a poor visit at a restaurant or retailer compared to how many times you've actually taken the time to praise them about the visit?
In any case, this thread is NOT to invalidate the complaints (despite my teasing title), but instead simply to let Anet and folks know that, hey, there may be a few issues with the game--but, from someone who's been following you from Day.. "whenever it was when your character appeared in post-searing Ascalon and there were no towns and you eventually started handing out those little skill jewels," the only thing I don't like about Factions so far is that I'm having to wait for my guildies to HURRY THE HELL UP TO CAVALON. :P
I like Factions! I like how the focus is more on purchasing skills than "earning" them. I like how fast the advancement is. I like Cantha--it's beautiful, and I especially like how you "planned" certain areas in the game to simply catch your eye, such as the exit from Shing Jea Monastery, or.. ah.. I think it's heading from Zos Shivros Channel to Mount Qinkai.. wow! I've had no bugs or problems or issues with any of the missions--they all worked flawlessly. I don't mind that ELITE missions are ELITE. I've already been discussing with my guild the mechanics of being able to access said missions. <3 the titles! <3 the improved drops. <3 the anti-running changes.
To be fair, though..
There is one thing that Factions does need, ArenaNet.
More cowbell.
Its because, the people that don't have a problem with it are discussing strats, planning outing and shock horror.... playing the game.
Its normal for there to be much more complaints than praises, thats what makes us human.
Its normal for there to be much more complaints than praises, thats what makes us human.
Terra Xin
see! see! anti-whiner campaign. I told you... for I had forseen it... 20 minutes ago,... that it would happen a few das ago... but I foresaw it!!
There are very few people who disagree with the entire game, a rather ignored selection of people as well. Some post that factions is a complete failure, and only complain about 1 idea... which is fine if you speak english as a second language.
There are very few people who disagree with the entire game, a rather ignored selection of people as well. Some post that factions is a complete failure, and only complain about 1 idea... which is fine if you speak english as a second language.
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by Hunter Sharparrow
Unless you have the time in the day to endlessly grind away (and sometimes that won't work if you got a small guild with most of the players never on) then you will never get access. Well after paying real cash for a game you better believe I want (and I do mean demand) access to 100% of the content. I can understand earning it as in meeting preruquisites like having to get ascended before entering the UW or FoW but they should be individual accomplishment and once achived than that's it. No having to achive it over and over. Same goes with favor. Sure keep the favor system just add in a new system on top that when you meet a certain requirement then you can gain access without favor. Protector of Tyria (beat all missions and their bonuses) sounds like a good one. Same can be done with the elite missions for Protectors of Cantha.
I also agree we paid to be entertained by these areas, not have them withheld by a systematic concept that meant well.
I agree with the idea of obtaining permanent Favor after gaining the title Protector. The 1k admittance fee is punishment enough for a casual player who gets to spend about 2 minutes getting their arse pummeled and thrown back out the door by the Aatxes. (FoW is much easier in my experience.)
To the OP. Positives are easy to ignore because they do not deter, harm, or rankle. Ambition is expression oposing those three in order to protect and achieve the positives. Humans who seek anything (personal expression, competition, riches, etc.) are by nature among the more ambitious.
Fitz Rinley
aron searle
I do like factions but (now)
there are issues which need addressing, im happy with the game but not happy with its unfinished feel.
All they do by doing this is to encourage me to buy it in the bargain bin months after its released the next time a chapter comes out.
Features that were "promised" for factions, and bugs/content that needs fixing.
no re-connect feature
no improved trade system
no-where (according to what ive been told) to upgrade my old armour to cantha standard
the new way to unlock skills is unbalanced for old toons
there are issues which need addressing, im happy with the game but not happy with its unfinished feel.
All they do by doing this is to encourage me to buy it in the bargain bin months after its released the next time a chapter comes out.
Features that were "promised" for factions, and bugs/content that needs fixing.
no re-connect feature
no improved trade system
no-where (according to what ive been told) to upgrade my old armour to cantha standard
the new way to unlock skills is unbalanced for old toons
yep.. hey I bought, linked, like
on the flip side I feel its unfinished, promises are un-met, and I'm feeling a little nickled and dimed
as mentioned we're told to come to fansites to air our grievances
the fact we haven't already stopped playing and bother to post means we're hopeful they can shore some stuff and do the right thing, as fans of the game
I've had friends join, leave, and not going to chapter2
Better to just do that or try to bring up issues regarding what might help, first?
I'm actually tired of the flip-side.
Valid issues and points are brought up and then crews come in and attack posters with inane babble.
two sides to every coin /shrug
on the flip side I feel its unfinished, promises are un-met, and I'm feeling a little nickled and dimed
as mentioned we're told to come to fansites to air our grievances
the fact we haven't already stopped playing and bother to post means we're hopeful they can shore some stuff and do the right thing, as fans of the game
I've had friends join, leave, and not going to chapter2
Better to just do that or try to bring up issues regarding what might help, first?
I'm actually tired of the flip-side.
Valid issues and points are brought up and then crews come in and attack posters with inane babble.
two sides to every coin /shrug
I love GWF. All people do these days is nag. Stop complaining and look at the good things that Factions offers! You people think that Factions is half of Tyria. Well your wrong! Just because they compressed everything togethor doesn't mean its smaller! look at Tyria. A quarter of the map has nothing! Its just their. But in Cantha you can go almost everywhere! plus if you read the manual it Cantha has 3 more missions than Tyria (GG people) Anyways I love the new professions, missions, story, etc. I love how the alliance battles three groups of 4. So much more strategy! And when the groups are actual "groups" then pick ups, then its even better. But the RAmbos (People that think they can tank 12 people ruin it.)
One of the most glaring things about this game that I love is the tongue in cheek approach to various things that Anet does. For instance the cow bell, and the +9 Ogre slaying knife. I love obscure references in life, and they seem to fulfill that for me like no other game company has. I do enjoy all the new textures used in Cantha as well as the new and excellent skins for weapons and such.
The story line, for me so far, has been very enjoyable. I have not gotten into the factions areas yet, so I am only going by what I have experienced. Another thing that I enjoy and have to give kudos to Anet for, are the little thankyous that they implement for game players, ie. The Tengu masks, and the Birthday presents, not to mention the extra time it takes to come up with holiday events/items that I know we all enjoy.
So, in a nut shell, Thank you Anet, I am enjoying your efforts immensely.
The story line, for me so far, has been very enjoyable. I have not gotten into the factions areas yet, so I am only going by what I have experienced. Another thing that I enjoy and have to give kudos to Anet for, are the little thankyous that they implement for game players, ie. The Tengu masks, and the Birthday presents, not to mention the extra time it takes to come up with holiday events/items that I know we all enjoy.
So, in a nut shell, Thank you Anet, I am enjoying your efforts immensely.
I'm sick and tired of people ranting about factions! They say"the storyline's crap" or "This Mission is impossible" or "It's really buggy". Get over IT! The whole freacin game isnt gonna change because of your incompetance to finish a mission! And for the bugs, Its only been out for like A WEEK AND A HALF! Give anet a break! Of course it's gonna be buggy in the first fortnight or so they will fix it.
Also I think some (not all) "veterans" have something called "fear Of Change" Change is good! It's how we move forward in life so the sooner you accept that "The drops are way to good!" or "WTF i cant craft afmours like i used to" the sooner you'll be able to enjoy the game.
So instead i am making this thread for people to say wat they like about factions! No ranting here or it will result in a public flogging!
Also I think some (not all) "veterans" have something called "fear Of Change" Change is good! It's how we move forward in life so the sooner you accept that "The drops are way to good!" or "WTF i cant craft afmours like i used to" the sooner you'll be able to enjoy the game.
So instead i am making this thread for people to say wat they like about factions! No ranting here or it will result in a public flogging!
i still love it. but it's true, there are some problems with the game.
Not sure why it would be locked as long as the topic stays on topic.
Raises hand, I'm really enjoying GW:F. I like most of the changes for the most part. Have some area's where I wish they did differently but none of them are show stoppers.
Fast leveling on starting isle then rest is high level content.
Love the gold near perfect drops ratios and the XP/Gold rewards for mission / quests.
Two new jobs are very fun.
Love the graphics jump using DX9.
Love the new music.
I do like the "dense" packed feeling works as well as the wide open terrain (GW).
The change in armor style (aka the visual is based on the crafter, not the type for the most part).
Despite Sister Tai healing and common sense ability, the npc's are much better.
to name a few that I can think of.
Raises hand, I'm really enjoying GW:F. I like most of the changes for the most part. Have some area's where I wish they did differently but none of them are show stoppers.
Fast leveling on starting isle then rest is high level content.
Love the gold near perfect drops ratios and the XP/Gold rewards for mission / quests.
Two new jobs are very fun.
Love the graphics jump using DX9.
Love the new music.
I do like the "dense" packed feeling works as well as the wide open terrain (GW).
The change in armor style (aka the visual is based on the crafter, not the type for the most part).
Despite Sister Tai healing and common sense ability, the npc's are much better.
to name a few that I can think of.
Needs more actually talking about how much faction rocks. (IE: The title of the thread)
Needs much less starting a new thread to complain about other threads. (IE: Nothing to do with the title of the thread)
(edit) merge thread'd :0
Needs much less starting a new thread to complain about other threads. (IE: Nothing to do with the title of the thread)
(edit) merge thread'd :0
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Nominal_Fee
I liked what I was able to play of it so far. Locked out of Cantha until I get my CE!

Originally Posted by Sanji
Needs more actually talking about how much faction rocks. (IE: The title of the thread)
Needs much less starting a new thread to complain about other threads. (IE: Nothing to do with the title of the thread) (edit) merge thread'd :0 |
I love faction bcause:
Awsome Everything, lol lame i know
Originally Posted by artay
I was kinda look for a player response, if you read my thread you'll see that it says no rants but hey!
I love faction bcause: Awsome Everything, lol lame i know |
It would be no different if I made a thread titled "Post here if you love Ritualists!" and with the opennig post being:
"Man I hate Assassins, I see all these Assassin threads and it makes me want to puke. Nothing but a bunch of scrubs if you ask me. You guys should play a real class!
Anyhow, Post here if you like Ritualist, but no ranting!"
I mean, if you're going to make a thread to rant about something, at least be honest about it. That is all I'm saying.
lol Anyways this is a thread for factions so just enjoy!*pushes senji off cliff*
Some other faction plusess are:
New Armour Craftiong System
The whole faction thing
No more runners! (much)
and Talon silverwing!
Some other faction plusess are:
New Armour Craftiong System
The whole faction thing
No more runners! (much)
and Talon silverwing!