Treasure Hunter Title Question...
Mia Deschain
What is the first 'level' of keys that count towards the Treasure Hunter Title? I just got a Maguuma Key drop and was wondering if I should take the time to track down a chest or just sell it...
Marth Reynolds
I tried in Cantha with different keys, It seems the High end chests are the chest with keys that cost 600 gold or more.
The description also says "High-end" keys.
The description also says "High-end" keys.
Ashleigh McMahon
Don't sell it straight away. If your still doing missions/quests in the Maguuma area, hold onto it incase you bump into a chest.
You will be suprised, sometimes you can get good items.
Otherwise, you should just sell it.
Hint: Don't use this method with other keys. Higher end keys(found further into the game, in the desert, rof ect ect) can be used to find brilliant items in some cases.
You will be suprised, sometimes you can get good items.
Otherwise, you should just sell it.
Hint: Don't use this method with other keys. Higher end keys(found further into the game, in the desert, rof ect ect) can be used to find brilliant items in some cases.
I love Maguuma chests. Interestingly, there are some of the only ones in Tyria I've ever gotten perfect max mods from. (The items themselves are usually meh..but the mods are often fabulous.)
High-End chest's to my knowledge are in Shiverpeak, Sorrows Furance, Fire Island Chain, Underworld(Tomb of primevil kings inclueded) and The Fissure of Woe. I havn't checked the Desert chests...
Sleepy Monk
the desert chests don't work, I tried, so far i opened 1027 chests, an i still have 300 shiverpeak keys, but i work 10 hours a day, so I don't know when i'm gonna get lvl 5 title :P