Now im a regualr PVE player but one thing I really looked forward to when I first bought Guild wars was the capture the flag matches, It sounded so cool but alas it wasn't there when I bought it
My suggestion is to bring more variety to PVP Like CTF I thought that was such a great and unique idea though I know Warrior and Rangers are the best runners remeber guys other classes can stop em running. I mean now that the ritualist is here who can stop players from moving I don't see what was 'unblanced' about it?
Other game types I can't think of maybe a free for all were its all against all or Kill the char a bit like UT 2004 for the Xbox but with char and for people who don't know what im talking about basicly your in a arena and you gotta kill as many nali as possible the one who kill the most nali wins.
Well im fresh outta idea what do you think of my two ideas and mention any other game types if you can. Oh and please be as optimistic as possible
We need more PVP types
Tien ak
There IS capture the's called capture the orb it's in hero's ascent
Tien ak
No way! I gotta check that out lol
Well now I feel stupid...What did you think of Hunt the Char idea?
Can you think of any other PVP types we could have in GW?
Well now I feel stupid...What did you think of Hunt the Char idea?
Can you think of any other PVP types we could have in GW?