"Protector of Cantha" for Canthans only?
To get the "Protector of Cantha" title, you'd have to do all 13 missions. So far, so good. Only that it doesn't seem to be possible to enter the 2 missions on Shing Jea Island with Tyrian characters, meaning that they never will be able to get the title "Protector of Cantha" and probably not "Cantan Master Cartographer" either.
I hereby suggest to change it so that Tryian characters have access to all titles, including Canthan ones.
I hereby suggest to change it so that Tryian characters have access to all titles, including Canthan ones.
Agreed, it adds more challenge to the game to get all the titles. What's wrong with a Tyrian char getting Cantha safe too?
Its the same when you look at it vice versa. Canthan characters can't do missions before LA (Gates of Kryta and previous), meaning you'll miss out on about 10% exploration at least and a fair few missions.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Its the same when you look at it vice versa. Canthan characters can't do missions before LA (Gates of Kryta and previous), meaning you'll miss out on about 10% exploration at least and a fair few missions.
Originally Posted by Fantus
I haven't tried - but what stops you from running back from LA and do them?
Lepton CFd
I'm not sure why ANet implemented this. I guess maybe they don't want lvl 20s doing the easier missions on either continent? I don't really see the problem with that...
Players should have the ability to get any title they strive for, in my opinion.
I'm not sure why ANet implemented this. I guess maybe they don't want lvl 20s doing the easier missions on either continent? I don't really see the problem with that...
Players should have the ability to get any title they strive for, in my opinion.
actually, i think there are 15 missions in game (maybe i count them wrong)
11 + 2 story missions for kurzicks + 2 story missions for luxons
so Tyrian char is able to finish:
9 (11-2 "pre-searing" missions) + 2 kurzicks + 2 luxons = 13
11 + 2 story missions for kurzicks + 2 story missions for luxons
so Tyrian char is able to finish:
9 (11-2 "pre-searing" missions) + 2 kurzicks + 2 luxons = 13

Originally Posted by JC68
actually, i think there are 15 missions in game (maybe i count them wrong)
11 + 2 story missions for kurzicks + 2 story missions for luxons so Tyrian char is able to finish: 9 (11-2 "pre-searing" missions) + 2 kurzicks + 2 luxons = 13 ![]() |
maybe, but i was wrong, there are only 14 missions :/
so Tyrian chars are able to complete 12 missions
so Tyrian chars are able to complete 12 missions
It wouldn't make sence. Tyrian chars come in the storyline when they have an idea who's behind the plague. Them doing the missions in SHing Jea wouldn't make sence. Same with Canthans in Tyria, they come in the storyline when the ascalon people make it to kryta, and Rurik is dead. Doing other missions like Frost gate rurik is in it, but he's supposed to be dead.
And people time traveling back to ascalon (to complete a bonus, whatever) does make sense?
Originally Posted by samifly
And people time traveling back to ascalon (to complete a bonus, whatever) does make sense?
still can do it, as a tyrian at least

Originally Posted by Bloody Death
It wouldn't make sence. Tyrian chars come in the storyline when they have an idea who's behind the plague. Them doing the missions in SHing Jea wouldn't make sence. Same with Canthans in Tyria, they come in the storyline when the ascalon people make it to kryta, and Rurik is dead. Doing other missions like Frost gate rurik is in it, but he's supposed to be dead.
/Notsigned |
make both peoples able to play 100% of the missions
make both peoples able to play 100% of the missions
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Fantus
The obvious solution would be not to count the 2 Shing Jea missions towards the title...
If im confusing everyone, im suggesting the title be changed for outsiders who are achieving the same goal as the homelander.
But /signed otherwise^^
Just a note, I believe it is possible to get 'Canthan Master Cartographer' with a Tyrian, as both missions on Shing Jea are accessible as normal areas from the outposts you enter afterwards (i.e. Ran Musu Gardens and Seitung Harbour).
As for getting Protector of Cantha with Tyrians and Protector of Tyria with Canthans, I think ANet did not lock these earlier missions from those of the other continent with the sole purpose of not allowing us to do them and get the title, but more that we should not experience that earlier storyline - Tyrians are supposed to arrive in Cantha with Mhenlo at the same time the Canthans leave Shing Jea Island, and Canthans arrive in Tyria at the time of the Undead troubles.
The part of the Canthans going to Tyria and doing the Krytan missions confuses me time-wise, though... surely, the Tyrian characters who have completed the game, or at least ascended, go to Cantha after doing so... if Canthans come to Tyria at the same time and go through the storyline that the Tyrians have already been through on the time-scale - eh?...
As for getting Protector of Cantha with Tyrians and Protector of Tyria with Canthans, I think ANet did not lock these earlier missions from those of the other continent with the sole purpose of not allowing us to do them and get the title, but more that we should not experience that earlier storyline - Tyrians are supposed to arrive in Cantha with Mhenlo at the same time the Canthans leave Shing Jea Island, and Canthans arrive in Tyria at the time of the Undead troubles.
The part of the Canthans going to Tyria and doing the Krytan missions confuses me time-wise, though... surely, the Tyrian characters who have completed the game, or at least ascended, go to Cantha after doing so... if Canthans come to Tyria at the same time and go through the storyline that the Tyrians have already been through on the time-scale - eh?...
Originally Posted by King Symeon
Just a note, I believe it is possible to get 'Canthan Master Cartographer' with a Tyrian, as both missions on Shing Jea are accessible as normal areas from the outposts you enter afterwards (i.e. Ran Musu Gardens and Seitung Harbour).
ehh.. I dont think you have to be a native to qualify to be a protector. There are plenty of situations i can see where someone who is not native is a "protector"
Originally Posted by samifly
ehh.. I dont think you have to be a native to qualify to be a protector. There are plenty of situations i can see where someone who is not native is a "protector"

What about this: after a tyrian born char finishes the last mission in Cantha, everyone is happy and he is welcome in ALL towns and outposts across the country. So after doing the game you could do the starting missions but only with henches or other tyrians (and would get lvl2X foes around).
The same would happen to Canthans in Tyria.
The same would happen to Canthans in Tyria.
Well, I have good news to those of you that missed reading it, they seem to be working on it
demon dantes
a tyrian character should not have access to presear cantha so what should happen is less missions for a tyrian char to get the title. anyways a canthan char should not be able to access anything b4 factions this was the stupidest thing i have ever seen. when you get to tyrian accention what is a canthan char supposed to do then fight his mirror looool. they should stop canthan based char from being able to go to tyria.
Originally Posted by demon dantes
a tyrian character should not have access to presear cantha so what should happen is less missions for a tyrian char to get the title. anyways a canthan char should not be able to access anything b4 factions this was the stupidest thing i have ever seen. when you get to tyrian accention what is a canthan char supposed to do then fight his mirror looool. they should stop canthan based char from being able to go to tyria.

ANet seamed the Canthan char to Tyria storywise okay, they promised you will get 100% content on both Tyrian and Canthan charas. What would be even the point of merging your account with Ch1 and Ch2 if you can't travel back and forth the two areas...
I really don't like the way these two games have come together. I can apprecaite the difficulties in making two stand alone games that have to merge together somehow. But I have to say I hope they do a better job (and think it out more clearly) with Chapter 3.
Agreed, it was poorly executed this time, but, it's a trial and error thing, and they have said they wanted to fix the error this time, so I'm thinking with Chapter 3 It'll be no problem.
From the storyline perspective, yes, a Canthan shouldn't be able to go back into shiverpeaks/ascalon and do missions, and Tyrians shouldn't be able to be students on Shing Jea. From a completionists point of view, just the thought of blocked content, in any form(not the elite mission, it's not blocked, just "elite"
) it blasphemy in its purest form and induces severe stress and anxiety in said completionist...
From the storyline perspective, yes, a Canthan shouldn't be able to go back into shiverpeaks/ascalon and do missions, and Tyrians shouldn't be able to be students on Shing Jea. From a completionists point of view, just the thought of blocked content, in any form(not the elite mission, it's not blocked, just "elite"