15k kurzick nec (shiny eyes)
kurzick 15k, check the eyes
why exactly are the eyes shiny like that?
u my sir are now creepy
ctrl alt da leet
Haha thats creepy.& congrats on the armor.
The Fox
so the shine is caused by the armor you're wearing?
i think it's the headger, i'm pretty sure the regular canthan headgear changed the color of the eyes too, but nothing like this.
It depends on the dye of your facial scar, so I have heard.
Thailii Monkey
looks cool, very nice eyes.
Woah, Im so gonna get that head gear and dye it black.
it comes with head gear and the eyes are coloured the same as scar=), btw that on pic is me and for a bit better pics lk in thread 15k armors=P
got lah
I need to get myself some of that.....for sure.
Thats awesome, I need it... Anyone seen female?
unda dawg
wow i never knew ur eyes cood change