has anyone else noticed this
devils wraths
im not sure if anyone here has played halo or seen it but the flood in halo look like the monk and assassin inflictted.
something i notcied earlier while playing.

Lepton CFd
Hmm, vaguely. I can sort of see a resemblence, but I don't think ANet was trying to copy that design if that's what you're implying =P
Eet GnomeSmasher
Meh. The Afflicted are just a bunch of mutated disfigured humanoids. Not exactly a unique thing. Hell, go look at John Merrick in real life (aka The Elephant Man) So no, this isnt something copied strictly from Halo.
Definitely a resemblence. I noticed during the videos (before either weekend IIRC) and over the headstart.

Lasher Dragon
There is already a thread on this: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s....php?t=3022838