First off, I wanted to thank Janos for her referral. =)
A couple thoughts from my point of view, and I'll admit I haven't read through the entire thread yet...
Ditchers suck, but there's nothing you can really do about them. I considered asking for payment at Snake Dance but decided against it. Exactly what *do* you do if someone refuses to pay? Refund everyone and leave game, which wastes everyone's time, or go on? Snake Dance or Rankor or Forge, a runner is going to have to deal with customers refusing to pay. Might as well make it Forge or Rankor. If either become the standard rather than the exception, it'll become a lot easier for the general public to spot scammers -- I've heard more than one horror story of a "runner" collecting at Snake only to leave game.
As for the majority of my customers all I can say is that they never fail to surprise me. Tips seem to be the norm, rather than the exception. Even today I made two "free" runs, something I do when running a guildie, and came out nearly as well as I would have had I expected payments. Ditchers suck but the rest of my customers more than make up for the dishonest minority.
On the ethics of running people to the forge versus making them play through the game, up until recently I don't think it made much of a difference. With the new PvP unlocking system however I expect to see a *lot* more rushed players in lower level arenas taking advantage of "end-game" gear and skills in order to gain more faction. I could be way off base here...
Finally, in a follow up post another member provided a referral to Graka Ekieron. I'll second this referral. Before I started making Forge runs myself, Graka was the first and *only* person I would turn to when anyone in my guild needed a rush. I'd go as far as to say that if it weren't for Graka I wouldn't be making Forge runs myself. I watched him more times than I could count and thanks to that had very little to figure out on my own when the time came to try running it for myself.
Carna Detonas
Run to Forge - 2k at Forge
Originally Posted by Janos Harr
Just wanted to share an awesome experience with you,
I'm on my 3rd character now, I've already had a lvl 20 monk and warrior. I wanted to start a mesmer for GvG and PvP. So, I decided to rush though as much as possible and try to get a forge run form beacon's at lvl 11. I'd gone through the normal way with both my other characters, so this thread really helped me choose a runner. I watched for all the signs you've posted on here, and asked the Tactics question as well.
I was pleased to get a rundown of all the runners attributes prompty from asking. Also, this particular runner didn't take cash up front, and accepted payment (lower than all the rest I might add, only 2k) at Rankor. After talking to him about it, he said that about 20% of his customers ditch out on him, but he didn't really mind, he was a nice guy.
So, he gets all 5 of us there and low and behold one of them skips out on him. I told him I would pay him an extra plat on top for such a good run and being a nice guy overall. This was echoed by another member of the party, pretty much putting him back to what he would've made anyhow. I also told him I would post his name on here for all to see (with his permission) as an excellent runner.
If you are indeed looking for this service, I would HIGHLY reccomend:
Carna Detonas