Armor screenshot request



Core Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Seattle WA



I am working on a Flash based website dedicated to Factions Armors. I am trying to put something really nice together. What I am looking for are screenshots for both male and female versions of faction armors.
Here is what I need:

-Male and Female versions of: Fissure/Canthan/Kurzick/Luxon/Collectors armor. This includes 1.5k and 15k versions, and starter armor.

-I need screenshots of armors for all classes (Assassin, Ritualist, Monk, Mesmer, Elementalist, Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer)

-The armors must be complete showing helm and all, and not a mix and match of different armor types.

-As far as dyes are concerned, color doesn't really matter as long as it isn't too extravagant. I rather not see any bright purple dye combos (nothing against them, just wouldn't fit well with my design). The armor must be uniform in color as well. No black helmet with bright pink body armor. The ideal would be undyed armor.

-The screenshots must be taken in the format shown below and sent to me without any alterations. Use the login background, and scroll/zoom out once.
Remember to turn the UI off or use the shift+printscreen option.

-The screenshots should be sent straight out of the screencapture folder from the GuildWars folder. The screenshot you see below isn't representative of the final version I want, I resized it to display the positioning and arrangment. The versions I will recieve will be larger.

-Please remember I need FACTIONS armor only, not prophecies.

-Screenshots can be sent to me via MSN messenger: [email protected]

-Thanks in advance for your help on this, I will post what I have recieved so that others know what has and hasn't been sent. Please try to follow instructions as it makes my project that much easier.
At the moment I need everything except Male Fissure armor.