I'm definately going to do a Rt/A or A/Rt, but preferably Rt/A. I know that with Warriors, people always make the height the tallest, but what about with a Ritualist? It looks weird being taller than the NPCs, but also being smaller than other players. Should I leave height at default or max it out? I don't know what the GW "fashion" for Ritualists is yet.
Also, I was wondering if I should make him bald. I know that when you wear your head thing, it covers hair, so should I just as well leave the hair at the default? Because, I don't like any of the hair styles for Ritualist (the new Necromancer ones are cool though). I was thinking of making him bald, but it's like when you take off the head thing, it's almost the same look...
Help me pick out a character!
Chilly Ress
bald people are studs, and leave height at default to be safe imo
Why not make a N/Rt? Then you can make a minion out of your enemy's rotting corpse while you enslave his spirit.
Why not make a N/Rt? Then you can make a minion out of your enemy's rotting corpse while you enslave his spirit.