Hello ppl,
Ive heard that there was a bronze shield a collector gives u, and that that bronze shield has exactly the same stats as the exalted aegis
Ive asked everyone, and Ive searched everywhere but i cant find the guy.
Does anybody know who gives it?
The stats of the shield:
Bronze shield
Armor 16 (req 9 strength)
Recieved damage -5 (Chance 20%)
Health +30
collectors shield exactly the same as the exalted aegis
Mega Storm
I've seen 2 collectors shields so far in factions. Both were bronze shields with exact same stats as the old collectors shields. Havn't seen or heard of thoe one you're looking for.
not a collector, it's a crafter. Just outside Kaineng Center.
Those stats aren't that impressive for a shield to me. I've seen better. Why not just get a carapace shield? :P
wich materials do i need for it?
storm of daeth
the weapon crafter in kaineng center crafts them i prefer the aegis still because it looks so much better than the bronze shield is too small and dinky for me.
The exalted aegis is one of the green item choices from the last collector after shiro right?