ALL factions armor (except some 15k)

unda dawg

unda dawg

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Twilight Saraphim [TS]


this is the best place ive found so far for factions armor. its missing some 15k armor tho but it is still an awesome place!

EDIT: SPREAD THE WORD! (alot of boards will stop being created)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aha. I'm flattered for the link, I think, but you may want to check the newer version of my guide, here.

Considering the recent lock down on the GWO Forums, though, I have been thinking of posting the same guide here. Does anyone know what's the limit of images per post here?


unda dawg

unda dawg

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Twilight Saraphim [TS]


woah ur the guy hoo made the first one! originally i only had urs but then i added the other one.

sry i dont really kno how many images u can have i wood suggest just doing the same as did on GWO