The Drunk Monk! (Image Heavy)
I'm going for the Drunkard title and I'll post the pictures of my drunk monk here as I go along
If you'd like to help me out, please buy me booze *hic*
If you'd like to help me out, please buy me booze *hic*
Here's a tip - convert your images to .jpg before posting, since this is seriously eating up my downloads
LiQuId StEeL
Heh, I wanna do that so bad, bit i can't idle as much as I used to
nice, most drunk ive ever got was wen i drank 10 witches brew
so how many ales does it take to get the title?
Blessed Winds
No amount. You just have to be drunk for a certain amount of time.
You're insane.
Kry Onicle
1,000 Minutes of you char being drunk and you get the title.
ctrl alt da leet
Thats insane.
What does Ale actually do I drank some in Pre but I didn't notice anything really
You need 666 ales and have to be drunk 333 times you earn the title drunken master.
Drinking Titles
Granted to a character who has spent 1000 minutes drunk.
Incorrigible Ale-Hound
Granted to a character who has spent 10000 minutes drunk.
I doubt 666 ales would get past 10,000 minutes.
I'v heard a "drunk minute" is around 2 real time minutes... so that would be a real time 2,000 and 20,000 minutes...
roughly 1 day 9hrs 20 min and 13 days 21hr's 20 min
and thats staying drunk, you need 3 ales to get intoxicated, 1 more per drunk min to stay "drunk"
Granted to a character who has spent 1000 minutes drunk.
Incorrigible Ale-Hound
Granted to a character who has spent 10000 minutes drunk.
I doubt 666 ales would get past 10,000 minutes.
I'v heard a "drunk minute" is around 2 real time minutes... so that would be a real time 2,000 and 20,000 minutes...
roughly 1 day 9hrs 20 min and 13 days 21hr's 20 min
and thats staying drunk, you need 3 ales to get intoxicated, 1 more per drunk min to stay "drunk"
Eragon Dragonslayer
Jeez...better not drive..
Exile Of Heaven
XD i love that title, ive got a collection Eggnogs myself and surely want 2 spend them 2 GET THIS TITLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P
Way 2 Cool
Way 2 Cool
Wish I had that kind of money to spend
Hey dont blame me I just said what I was told.
I might be over half way to this title if it counted time drunk before they implemented this. When it was much more easy to make money I wasted it on ale ALL THE TIME. Now money is worth more.
Azn D
Why spend money? Just do the quests and use the imperial/monestery/luxon/equipment things to get them from the quartermasters. I've got a million of those.