An advantage to having guild hall services?
The Great Al
I really see no reason to have guild hall services, they seem like a waste of money. anyone can go to lions arch or wherever and get the exact same stuff. at least give us a small discount on the items?
Only your guildies will be there. Its like your own personal LA.
The point is to show off to your alliance how rich your guild is.
Originally Posted by The Great Al
I really see no reason to have guild hall services, they seem like a waste of money. anyone can go to lions arch or wherever and get the exact same stuff. at least give us a small discount on the items?
Dark Psychotik
I agree with zerowingcats, it was probably made to remove some gold from the game.
well we bought the upgrades, since it makes the Guild Hall an even more natural meeting place, and it's easy to have everything around.
money sink, nah, if you got fairly many people in your guild, it's not so much money per person.
money sink, nah, if you got fairly many people in your guild, it's not so much money per person.
Dougal Kronik
My guild is going to get them all.
So we don't have to stay very long in towns with the trade spam on the all channel. And don't have people inviting us into parties without even opening a chat window first and saying hello!
So we don't have to stay very long in towns with the trade spam on the all channel. And don't have people inviting us into parties without even opening a chat window first and saying hello!
My guild has all of them, no need? Not having to deal with the spammers and the drive by party invite are the only reasons you need. No more running for 30 minutes in LA to get to storage, then running for 30 minutes to get to the Merchant on the other side of town. Scha-weeeet!
Lepton CFd
They're entitled as a "Luxury." In other words, they're not necessary, but they are convenient to have. I find them rather convenient and a good way to show your Alliance members that your guild is quite rich...except as one person pointed out above, it's actually not that expensive if everyone in your guild pitches in.
I find it rather convenient to have them there. Instead of mapping into a town and running all the way to the other side of the city or deal with the horrible lag from everyone being in one town. I can go to my guild hall and do the transaction there.
The one NPC I wish they would have is the regular material trader, where you take for instance 5 wood +20 gold to make parchment there.
This is something I would pay for. Even if it was an enormous amount of gold.
The one NPC I wish they would have is the regular material trader, where you take for instance 5 wood +20 gold to make parchment there.
This is something I would pay for. Even if it was an enormous amount of gold.
The Guild Hall services were suggested too many times to count.
ANet supplied.
Now shush.
ANet supplied.
Now shush.
The material traders are way overpriced. A majority of things were though.
Shanaeri Rynale
Join an alliance with all facilities and use theirs
. Save all your money to buy materials and other goodies for guildies..

J snukka
I dont know about you but I don't like to run to NPC's and look for them in the Towns. Having them in the guild halls makes it faster for me to get want I want.
IMO the guild hall services are there for 2 reasons:
1 - Many people wanted them
2 - Goldsink
Now I'm all for optional goldsinks because they remove gold from the economy, pulling prices down. If you dont like them, don't use them
1 - Many people wanted them
2 - Goldsink
Now I'm all for optional goldsinks because they remove gold from the economy, pulling prices down. If you dont like them, don't use them
the things they have now are cool... but they missed the ONLY thing that really would have been important beside storage... and maybe faction trader.... THE PROFESSION CHANGER.... omg... takes so long to take boat back to mainland---> outpost---then back...
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
IMO the guild hall services are there for 2 reasons:
1 - Many people wanted them 2 - Goldsink Now I'm all for optional goldsinks because they remove gold from the economy, pulling prices down. If you dont like them, don't use them |