New char but need pointer's and help deciding


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

i was playing GW:Faction whith my warrior but when all the suddenly i got bored whith plying whith warrior it's my tyrian char i have 1.5milj xp into it and ive done the most things i could but it's kinda repeatable whith warrior etheir you tank ore you go as Dmg dealer and thers not that many build to it i dont think so i mean monk can go as prot,heal,bonder,solo and probaly something else, and i was allso looking forward to new warrior stances and Dmg attacks in Faction but to my disapointment there was no new skills really just skills that had new picture and name but still did the same thing as core skill's
so i though hmmm i might wanna try to an spell caster but i can't chose which i want to be Monk lookes cool but ive tried it in prohecis to about lvl13-15 i got bored since i couldent to any dmg but i could imagine it whould be more fun when you reached lvl20 and have all attrubute points??

and the second choice is etheir Mesmer ore elementalist how is it to play as mesmer are they in demand in Pve it's like you never se theme anywhere,and how about Elementalist how is that to play is it fun allso? i need tip's what the diffrent classes iv mentioned are like what are plus and minus whith theses classes...
i guess i want an char that is versatile that have lot's of option in diffrent builds..

EDIT: is it possiable to solo farm whith Elementalist ore even mesmer in Prohecis?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



Elemetalists seem to be going down well in factions and they are fun to learn. Try a mesmer secondary as well rather than sticking with something youve done before



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Grenths Rejects [GR]

You should check out necromancers, in my opinion they are one of the most fun class you can use.
Early on a simple blood spiker is wicked, my necro has yet to die, currently being against the white mantle somewhere, and of course you have the option of being a minion master, blood spiker, curses and the freedom of your second class.
One build i had for earlier on was necro/warrior. Using a siphon spell to start off and going in and fighting with casting a blood spell here adn there to gather help was great too.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Crystal Desert.


I really love playing as a monk, that is my primary character. It is true that when you get to lvl 20 it is much more fun. Because monks are in such high demand in the Southern Shiverpeaks and the Fire Islands, you can get paid to do your job. I don't charge people, but I will sometimes ask for a key or a gold weapon. A monk is worth being bored for a little while in the middle of your journey. Once you have reached lvl 20 and beat the game, you can save up for all superior runes, tatoos, enchanting sword, and get your farming monk skills. Once you have done that, youo are ready to get a @#$% load of gold and sweet weapons. The monk has to be the best character in the game in my opinion. I agree, it is boring in the middle, but it is so much fun in the end. Other than that, I suggest starting up an elementalist. They are fun when you can deal a crap load of damage and watch yourself cast these awesome spells. Knowing that you are helping out the warriors by knocking down the enemy with Meteor Shower makes you feel important. Mesmers are not usually in demand for some reason. They just are not as usefull as some other professions. I personally have not started one yet, but I will once I have finished up my warrior and my elementalist. I will post a thread explaining the best things about the mesmer and how to use it best. Have patience and keep going with your monk and try out an elementalist, you will be happy with the results.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by healthsoldier0570
I really love playing as a monk, that is my primary character. It is true that when you get to lvl 20 it is much more fun. Because monks are in such high demand in the Southern Shiverpeaks and the Fire Islands, you can get paid to do your job. I don't charge people, but I will sometimes ask for a key or a gold weapon. A monk is worth being bored for a little while in the middle of your journey. Once you have reached lvl 20 and beat the game, you can save up for all superior runes, tatoos, enchanting sword, and get your farming monk skills. Once you have done that, youo are ready to get a @#$% load of gold and sweet weapons. The monk has to be the best character in the game in my opinion. I agree, it is boring in the middle, but it is so much fun in the end. Other than that, I suggest starting up an elementalist. They are fun when you can deal a crap load of damage and watch yourself cast these awesome spells. Knowing that you are helping out the warriors by knocking down the enemy with Meteor Shower makes you feel important. Mesmers are not usually in demand for some reason. They just are not as usefull as some other professions. I personally have not started one yet, but I will once I have finished up my warrior and my elementalist. I will post a thread explaining the best things about the mesmer and how to use it best. Have patience and keep going with your monk and try out an elementalist, you will be happy with the results.
Thank's for the feedback i just made an elementalist and so far i can say it new and exciting a huge leap from the warrior i have i cant w8 to try out an solo build for Ele i might make an monk later on but iam all for Doing massive dmg BTW what do you recomedn for a second class to my Ele i was thinking Ele/mo cause of the solo options But allso Ele/Me for echo ore an similar skill in Factionso what you guy's think?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Grenths Rejects [GR]

My previous eles have been both ele/monk and ele/mes
WIth monk like you said i was able to solo alotof stuff up until the shiverpeaks area.
And with massive energy pools you can be quite helpful with healing your party sometimes...As for Mesmer i focused on massive damageand shutdown skills for melee attacks against me.
Up to you and how your style is.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

ele is alot of fun and YES you can solo AND 55 with an Ele

actually i think that if you are bored with warior you should try out a ranger. its the most versatile class and its completly diffrent to play then a warior or any kind of spellcaster (exept MM)
alot of people think that all a ranger does is stand and shoot arrows, but there is SO much more then this, you can trap, solo-poison, interrupting is fun as well (especially in PVP waching that monk runing around after planting a Concusion or Distracting shot right in the middle of his Orison of Healing)

but hey! its just what i think



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by Nexium
EDIT: is it possiable to solo farm whith Elementalist ore even mesmer in Prohecis?
Yes, you can 55hp farm with elementalist and mesmer. Also A good friend of mine named Odin Oathshot made a solo troll/mino earth build for ele's that works very well. He may post it in the near future. Watch for it!

A mesmer 55hp build would use probably Prot spirit, healing breeze, Soj, Mending, Essence bond, Balthazars spirit, and maybe Visage. You might want to fill in the last skill slot with a 5 energy heal. Otherwise nothing is needed there.

Brother Gilburt

P.S. Although you can be excited about 55hp farming keep in mind most of the time it is really really boreing!!!! Although it is still the best most efficent farming stratagy in the game. Watch out for it being nerfed.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Another question is Monk /w the best to use for 55hp build ore are Ele/mo and Me/Mo just as good?
and will ppl go duo farming whith you if you are Ele/mo in UW


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by healthsoldier0570
.....Mesmers are not usually in demand for some reason. They just are not as usefull as some other professions. I personally have not started one yet, but I will once I have finished up my warrior and my elementalist. I will post a thread explaining the best things about the mesmer and how to use it best. Have patience and keep going with your monk and try out an elementalist, you will be happy with the results.
The reason Mesmers don't appear to be in demand is plainly shown by your next statement "They just are not as usefull as some other professions. I personally have not started one yet,...". How do you know, without playing a profession, how usefull they are?

The reason that Mesmers are not "in demand" is that the large proportion of the playing community does not have a clue about how a Mesmer is used/its skillset/its benefits/its massive damage potential/protection/shutdown/degen/interrupt....... shall I go on?

As for writing a thread about how best to play it, I would personally hold off on that if I were you. There are a couple of players who have been using Mesmers for a wee bit longer than you, and they have put together a little post or two over in the Mesmer forums. Might be worth checking out [/rant]

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

Originally Posted by gragman
The reason Mesmers don't appear to be in demand is plainly shown by your next statement "They just are not as usefull as some other professions. I personally have not started one yet,...". How do you know, without playing a profession, how usefull they are?

The reason that Mesmers are not "in demand" is that the large proportion of the playing community does not have a clue about how a Mesmer is used/its skillset/its benefits/its massive damage potential/protection/shutdown/degen/interrupt....... shall I go on?

As for writing a thread about how best to play it, I would personally hold off on that if I were you. There are a couple of players who have been using Mesmers for a wee bit longer than you, and they have put together a little post or two over in the Mesmer forums. Might be worth checking out [/rant]
i think that mesmers are a whole lot of fun, but for PVP only... it just doesnt seem that mesmers were designed fr PVE. and yes, most people think that conjure fantasm is a staple on skill....
mesmer is much more then a degenerator, but just doesnt seem to work for PVE